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Posted (edited)

Sonic R is one of my favorite childhood games, and after playing it recently I am reminded why. The music is amazing! However, the late 90's cheesy europop style doesn't hold up as well as I'd like (those piano samples! 8O), so my vision for the album is to completely redo the songs in modern day EDM (electronic dance music) styles. Each song must contain vocals and must be EDM.


Initial WIP: March 30th, 2014

2nd WIP: May 31st, 2014

3rd WIP: TBD

Tracklist and claims:

Remixer: Damashii!!

Vocalist: Damashii!!

Remixers: Tuberz McGee, Halc

Vocalists: Tuberz McGee, DiGi Valentine

Performer: Tuberz McGee

Remixer: ladyWildfire

Vocalist: ladyWildfire

Remixer: Amphibious

Vocalists: Xarnax42, BrothaDom

Remixer: Jivemaster

Vocalist: Rabcandy

Remixer: JH Sounds

Vocalist: Level 99

Remixer: G-Mixer

Vocalist: G-Mixer

If you're interested in participating, let me know! If possible, send me a demo of your work and/or your general idea of what you want your proposed remix to be like (style, vocals, subgenre, etc.).

Collaborations are welcome, but I want to keep this album EP length. Ideally there will only be 7 tracks (one for each source), and I don't want to have bonus tracks on the album. Please do not combine the sources together, but I may consider tracks which also minorly incorporate sources from other Sonic games.

Possible remixers:




Tuberz McGee




JH Sounds

Possible vocalists/performers:




Jivemaster (?)

Tuberz McGee

Level 99

DiGi Valentine


Final Kingdom


JH Sounds

Possible misc. contributers (art, web, etc.):

Edited by wildfire
updated dates

again, we are just about to finish and eventually release the Sonic CD album, and someone already brought up Knuckles Chaotix and that's interesting people. I think that we just need to take a break for a bit.

additionally, there is a VROOM record happening with some Sonic R stuff in it and then also a SEGA Saturn project with Sonic R stuff, so this seems rather unnecessary.

maybe within the next few years, but as for right now, I'm not sure this would work.

this isn't to be offensive or anything and if it sounded like I was snapping at you, well, I happen to sound like I'm doing that when I'm actually not.

I just don't think this project is really necessary as of right now.

again, we are just about to finish and eventually release the Sonic CD album, and someone already brought up Knuckles Chaotix and that's interesting people. I think that we just need to take a break for a bit.

additionally, there is a VROOM record happening with some Sonic R stuff in it and then also a SEGA Saturn project with Sonic R stuff, so this seems rather unnecessary.

maybe within the next few years, but as for right now, I'm not sure this would work.

this isn't to be offensive or anything and if it sounded like I was snapping at you, well, I happen to sound like I'm doing that when I'm actually not.

I just don't think this project is really necessary as of right now.

I wasn't planning on starting it anytime soon, I have far too much on my plate for now. I still plan on doing this album eventually.

It'd be something I'm interested in.

Just would probably need to team up with someone else since live instruments are more of my flair and prowess. Haha


My remix for the Sonic CD album is EDM but I used Stevo's guitar samples, something like that could definitely work here too!


Yeah, I could definitely see something like this working out down the road without it feeling 'redundant' or 'unnecessary'. Especially as a short EP like you've outlined, with a very specific focus: EDM vocal tracks. Not to mention Sonic CD will be out soon and there will likely be a big gap between any other Sonic-related projects getting released anyway.

I'd probably be down for a track depending on the timing. I like dabbling in EDM, and I've been meaning to do more in the genre anyway. It's one of my favs to listen to afterall :wink: I'd just need to get some of my pals to contribute vocals, heh heh.


There is absolutely 0 urgency regarding when to start this project. Ideally I only want one remix of each theme, so it would be a short EP style (kinda like the recently released Eevee EP in length). I'm cool if people want to start laying claim to certain tracks, but I don't really foresee starting work on this until at least January, but probably not for another year or so. I don't want it to be rushed, and it doesn't need to be an official OCR album either.


Love Sonic R's music and i'm one of the rare few that feel the original songs actually do hold up well today, cheesy lyrics aside. But then again i'm one of the old skool kinda guys, 1990's music is what i love. Dance and House music in the UK during those years pretty much sounded like what we got in Sonic R so i dig that soundtrack greatly.

I love EDM too, not sure about making the entire album EDM based, but then again this is not my idea.

But like i said in the Knux Chaotix suggestion thread, i feel it may be a bit too soon just now.

Plus, i really need to get VROOM out the front door as that has some Sonic R stuff already on there too. Once all that is out of the way i see no reason why this idea couldn't become an actual project, yeah.


woops sorry, posted at the same time as you. but yeah XD


As far as timing is concerned I think the right time to do an album is when

1) Someone cares enough about a concept to pitch it.

2) Interested parties make time to create the music.

3) That's it.

If it just so happens that 5 different people start an album all from games in the same franchise at the same time, the timing is WRONG if they can't find people to cover all the sources and it's RIGHT if they can. Simple as that.

If you think under-represented tracks need some love, pitch your project with a strong concept and lure those remixers away.

I'd just need to get some of my pals to contribute vocals, heh heh.

I got you, mang.

Generally speaking, I'm always interested in helping out anyone looking for a vocalist. If it's a style I'm not naturally suited for, I love trying to branch out and pull it off, and take no offense when you listen and say, "Ummmm.....no."

I love EDM too, not sure about making the entire album EDM based, but then again this is not my idea.

Just want to add that whether its a genre I enjoy or not, I LOOOOOVE the idea of cohesive, niche remix albums, and I don't see nearly enough of them around here.

Love Sonic R's music and i'm one of the rare few that feel the original songs actually do hold up well today, cheesy lyrics aside. But then again i'm one of the old skool kinda guys, 1990's music is what i love. Dance and House music in the UK during those years pretty much sounded like what we got in Sonic R so i dig that soundtrack greatly.

I love EDM too, not sure about making the entire album EDM based, but then again this is not my idea.

I just want to give it a modern-day update while keeping the charm and just enough cheese factor from the originals.

And there's so many subgenres of EDM, I think it will be fine. :)

Posted (edited)
I just want to give it a modern-day update while keeping the charm and just enough cheese factor from the originals.

And there's so many subgenres of EDM, I think it will be fine. :)

Yeah, you're probably right. The soundtrack is not that large anyway so you could probably do a whole EDM album of it and still get each track sounding different from one another.

In any case, i'll see how things go for me over the next 6 months and if things clear up a tad i may just jump on somewhere, maybe. (i really want to do a 16 bar featured rap verse on something like Living in the City, been meaning to do that for years) ..almost in a modern take of this

. That's been a personal goal of mine for an OCR mix.

Anyways, yeah. Good luck with it, regardless if i jump on or not :)


..ok, been thinking about it and the thought of possibly being featured for a rap verse (if you'll allow me) is intriguing me. As i said, i've wanted to jump on a Sonic R track for years, ever since i've been here. It would be kinda silly for me to turn this chance down. And if we did push it as a mini-EP through OCR that would be wicked! Just like the Eevee EP XD

Can i request that you put my name down for a featured rap verse for Living in the City? Just a feature, i won't be remixing/producing anything as i don't have those kinds of skills (yet), but i would like to have the chance to be a featured vocalist on one of my favourite songs, if you'll have me on board for that :)

-EDiT 2.0-

Oh. And if you need an artist for album art on board, i can hook you guys up. I'm connected to the SEGA fan communities, art head hunting seems to be my kinda thing lately. Done it for the Sonic CD project, currently doing it for VROOM, so i can offer the head hunting services for this too, if you need anything like that.

Edited by DiGi Valentine

I was saying to SuperiorX earlier today, running another album while there others are on isn't necessarily a bad idea. It seems a lot of OCR albums these days have the same folks on them over and over. Before I go further, please understand by no means am I saying this is a bad thing!!!! However, while the usual collection of artists are undeniably talented and create great work, sometimes it's nice to see a different set of faces on something (or at least a few different members).

The other big thing that SuperiorX mentioned was that these vocalists are going to have to be top notch if you're going to have any hope in people being excited about this, which is spot on. Do we have enough high quality vocalists in the community that can contribute to this? I'm talking a mix of guys and gals - the last thing we need is a nerdy sausage fest. XD

Yeah, you're probably right. The soundtrack is not that large anyway so you could probably do a whole EDM album of it and still get each track sounding different from one another.

In any case, i'll see how things go for me over the next 6 months and if things clear up a tad i may just jump on somewhere, maybe. (i really want to do a 16 bar featured rap verse on something like Living in the City, been meaning to do that for years) ..almost in a modern take of this

. That's been a personal goal of mine for an OCR mix.

Anyways, yeah. Good luck with it, regardless if i jump on or not :)


..ok, been thinking about it and the thought of possibly being featured for a rap verse (if you'll allow me) is intriguing me. As i said, i've wanted to jump on a Sonic R track for years, ever since i've been here. It would be kinda silly for me to turn this chance down. And if we did push it as a mini-EP through OCR that would be wicked! Just like the Eevee EP XD

Can i request that you put my name down for a featured rap verse for Living in the City? Just a feature, i won't be remixing/producing anything as i don't have those kinds of skills (yet), but i would like to have the chance to be a featured vocalist on one of my favourite songs, if you'll have me on board for that :)

-EDiT 2.0-

Oh. And if you need an artist for album art on board, i can hook you guys up. I'm connected to the SEGA fan communities, art head hunting seems to be my kinda thing lately. Done it for the Sonic CD project, currently doing it for VROOM, so i can offer the head hunting services for this too, if you need anything like that.

I'm definitely on board with your rap idea for Living in the City. I think overall I want the lyrics to stay mostly faithful to the originals, but I wouldn't want them to be completely unchanged. I'm thinking some minor lyrical changes or melodic additions are necessary, and new material will be great too as long as it captures the essence of the sources.

If this idea ends up working I will definitely need some help with the art, so thanks for volunteering for headhunting duties!

On an unrelated note, I agree that I don't want this to become a sausagefest, so if anyone knows of other interested female vocalists, let them know about the project! :)


Oh, most definitely, whatever i end up doing for a verse will be on the same topic as the song in question. Lol, you won't see me getting side tracked in to a gangsta-rap, for example! XD It's definitely going to be a rap about the 'city'!

And i agree, this project will do good with a variety of vocalists who can all nail the singing well hopefully keeping each track diverse a little. I speak with Jordan (Sir J/Damashii!!) a LOT about this kinda of thing so maybe we can find a few people here and there who may be interested. But more on that if/when the project starts rolling.

And for the art, sure thing! Happy to be of service. Just let me know when you need to start looking for an artist and i'll start the hunt! :D

Also, i should put this out there that if anybody else was looking to remix Living in the City then by all means go for it, i'd just like to request a 16 bar verse slot somewhere on the track. I wouldn't want to hold an artist out if they're also looking at City, but it would be cool if they can consider me for a rap feature! Just figured i'd better put that out there in case my claim for it seemed like i was hogging the whole track down, lol.

Alright, i'll try to keep an eye on this topic as much as i can in case it starts moving forward at any point. If i go ghost on it though and you don't hear from me, Wildfire you have permission to smack me around the head with pm's/facebook/wherever and let me know things are developing. I'm trying to keep on top of VROOM right now but i don't want to miss updates on this! :)

I'm definitely on board with your rap idea for Living in the City. I think overall I want the lyrics to stay mostly faithful to the originals, but I wouldn't want them to be completely unchanged. I'm thinking some minor lyrical changes or melodic additions are necessary, and new material will be great too as long as it captures the essence of the sources.

Man. I'm pretty glad for this. It's exactly what I did with my Crush 40 Track for VROOOOM.

I love projects too much. <3


Man. I'm pretty glad for this. It's exactly what I did with my Crush 40 Track for VROOOOM.
And that's partly why i really loved that wip you sent me of it, you find a great balance with the lyrics while still making it your own. You can definitely sing some amazing shiiii- mayn.

I really do want to see you sing something on here somewhere, if possible. I vouch for the Tuber vocals! XD

I can potentially take Number One, but since this a "not anytime soon" project and because I'm so busy, I wouldn't get any WIP in for a long time.
I would just like to say i'd love to see you tackle 'Number One'! I remember you and me toying with the same idea for VROOM before we went with the other song option, so seeing you possibly remix this track for this project instead at some point down the line has my support! :)

Because if it's anything like your track for VROOM i know you're going to kill it, man!

I would just like to say i'd love to see you tackle 'Number One'! I remember you and me toying with the same idea for VROOM before we went with the other song option, so seeing you possibly remix this track for this project instead at some point down the line has my support! :)

Because if it's anything like your track for VROOM i know you're going to kill it, man!

ah, shucks.

yeah well I'll go ahead and claim it as long as the first real deal deadline isn't any time soon at all.

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