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  • 2 weeks later...

http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ed - "Last Battle" (ed-03.spc)

Bah. Didn't use the official song titles, so I could only place one source. Doesn't help that the shitty Zophar pack has both "Castle" and "Sinistrals" in it. I guess Ravi implied only one.

Gonna go into asshole mode, because I'm honestly both disappointed and pissed off that we got this. This is the equivalent of an elementary school art class project with a bunch of deformed popsicle sticks pasted together with used gum. It's so abrasively loud, synthetic-sounding, and poorly put together that I have no idea how you could objectively gauge this as ready to submit. You're clearly capable of better, Ravi, but I haven't heard you improve from sub to sub and it's very annoying seeing you running in place, figuratively speaking.

Sound balance is atrociously awful. Percussion is way too loud. Why would you tell anyone to turn their headphones up for this? Turn them DOWN. Everything here sounds very fake and mechanically sequenced, some synths being more egregiously and poorly used than others.

The arrangement idea shows creativity and promise, per your usual, but there's absolutely 0 finesse in the execution. Zero. And that's about all I can manage to say without getting into actual time specifics and thereby completely reaming this.

With patience and significant time invested into learning how to fine tune your execution so that the sounds are harmonious, balanced, and sound realistically performed, I don't doubt that you'd be a very skillfull arranger. But this is not it. This is not it at all. It's not meant to discourage or demoralize you, but if no one else is criticizing these problems, they should be.


  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with Larry. This is pretty weak, unfortunately. :(

Percussion is loud, and the sounds don't balance. The distorted guitar (sounds like slayer) had very little definition. It's just background grunge.

Everything else sounds like a old MIDI file run through FL, in that there's very little in the way of dynamics and/or humanization. Everything sounds flatline.

Disappointing dude. :(



I like the concepts here. Synth guitar, drums, orchestral stuff, keyboard parts.. recipe for synthrock right there. But the clapping? The brass falls? I dunno, but it sounds like you're just relying on your samples and not putting any thought into cohesiveness of arrangement (eg. where are things going, WHY is this not here) or texture (eg. how do these instruments interact, and is it musical). I have to echo the concerns of the other judges. This is kind of weak and sloppy all around.

Look. I suggest maybe cutting back on using all the fancy samples and going back to basics. Really focus on a good, creative arrangement. THEN worry about the sounds.


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