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*NO* Conker's Bad Fur Day 'A Poo at the Opera'


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ReMixer Name: silver102938

Name of game(s) arranged: Conker's Bad Fur Day

Name of arrangement: A Poo At The Opera

Name of individual song(s) arranged: The Great Mighty Poo (Sloprano)

My channel with the cover: https://www.youtube.com/user/silver102938

Notes: This track is a collaboration between myself, MetalFortress14 and Dethraxx.

Here are the their channels:




Edited by Palpable
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  • 3 weeks later...

Strong performance, and a badass take on "Sloprano." However, this recording's lossy-sounding and way too distorted. If there were raw recordings that could be worked with and salvaged, that would be awesome, but unfortunately I doubt it. Great arrangement done in by really compromised production/recording quality. Tough break, bros, this was otherwise really awesome.


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What a pile of crap this source is. At least there's plenty of it in the remix. :tomatoface:

If there were raw recordings that could be worked with and salvaged, that would be awesome, but unfortunately I doubt it.

I beg to differ Larry, they are using Pod Farm 2 which is a guitar amp vst, so all they have to do is reamp the guitar parts (which I'm assuming are just straight "direct input" wavs) and use a different amp preset. (I am assuming this is the case, and that the guitars were not recorded using a mic.)

But yeah, track is way too fuzzy. The fuzzy "old rock" tone may be a style choice but it really doesn't work on a metal-ish track like this one. For metal guitars, I would expect to hear a really clean tone so each note is audible, nearly percussive. The fuzz ruins that completely. This applies to the lead and rhythm guitars. Also, all the guitars, most notably some of the leads (like the one starting at 0:33), are way mid-heavy. Gotta lower those mids. The guitars all seem to be eq'd differently too, which gives an unbalanced feel. Bass could be a little louder (but may in fact sound loud enough once some mids are removed from the other guitars).

Drums are sounding thin, muffled and punchless as well. This track needs a really beefy kick and nice snappy snare! The opening four crash hits are quite loud compared to your hats and crashes in the entire rest of the song, that's a little weird.

I think the whole track could benefit from some rebalancing and eqing. The leads are loud but still feel like part of the background. Use eq to carve out space for your leads against your backing guitars, and use a longer predelay on any lead reverb you may be using.

So yeah, reamp, lose the fuzz, lose some mids, give the leads room to breathe, and let's hear this again for sure, it's a really good arrangement.

NO (resubmit)

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