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OCR02824 - *YES* Street Fighter 2 & 4 'Sonic Boom (American Mix)'

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Neblix - Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition "Sonic Boom (American Mix)"

Street Fighter II - Guile's Theme

Street Fighter IV - Indestructible


When Shariq started recruitment for Apex 2014, I figured I would do another Street Fighter remix since SF is my jam (not SF2 though, Third Strike is where it's at). I had Gen's theme in mind, but I kind of let it sit for months. When the deadline crept closer, I realized that I would just not have very good ideas for Gen's theme. I looked at Ken's and Makoto's theme after that, but then I realized that Guile is a character in SFIV (and derivations). Knowing the sheer popularity of the song, I decided to do it, for some sort of shameless artist "LOOK I MADE A GUILE REMIX" stunt.

This was a really fun remix, though. The first half of it was done the night I got back from Thanksgiving break, I was up until 5:00 AM, mixing and tweaking instruments. The next morning and afternoon, all I had to focus on from there was the arrangement and part-writing. I like to mix as I write, because then I can hear how the parts will actually sound before moving on. I started with the verbatim Guile's theme and harmonized it, also trying to add some piano flourishes here and there. Later on, you hear the original SF IV theme song so that I could tie it to the current Street Fighter for Apex and not SF2 way back when. I added improv wherever I could, in the leads and the drums especially. Lots of syncopation. Love syncopation. And solos. Love solos. ALSO NO REVERSE CYMBAL TRANSITIONS OP

I focused on a piano lead (Piano One is a really good free piano VST, get it!) and a sYnerGi GS GM soundfont for the lead guitar run through Guitar Rig 5 Pro. The other tools and instruments I used were FL effects and Komplete stuff (drums, bass). The rhythm guitar is the free Shreddage from the ISW trial pack. Surprisingly, this is I would say my best remix to date, and it only had literally five or six instrument tracks. It's quality, not quantity. c:


Edited by Liontamer

A creative arrangement with lots of great part-writing and interpretation. I like the use of Indestructible as a breakdown section in the middle.

Piano's a bit mechanical but I don't think it's a deal breaker; piano is prevalent but not solo, and I think that with everything else going on, it gels nicely. No big issues.



Neither the piano nor the lead guitar are blowing me away. The piano is mechanical sounding and a bit too sharp, loud, and up-front, and the guitar just doesn't sound real at all and is often too soft and buried. Bass seems a bit buried as well. But what you've got is used SO WELL here. Drums are very well written and exciting. Wow, what a great arrangement.

What the heck is wrong with reverse cymbal transitions, huh? I LOVE those oh well. :-P



I like all the ideas you crammed into the crannies. They should be renamed 'crammies' just for this mix, but I think that is too ahead of it's time. I think the piano is pretty mechanical, but the parts are nicely composed. A little humanization wouldn't hurt though; the super trill is the biggest offender to me.

I am digging the SSH style sound with prominent synths and synth guitar; the sound is pretty solid, and the drum part is interesting and well-written; probably the highlight for me.

Overall the piano needs a little touch-up, but otherwise I am grooving. It is close to the bar for me, but ultimately passes.



Ultimately, I'm cool with the arrangement, but I immediately felt the mechanical piano sequencing was too prominent and exposed. I thought the guitar lead also strained for credibility, though its placement worked well to downplay realism issues there.

I've listened to plenty of S.S.H., so I get the guitar sound (though S.S.H. pulls it off better). The arrangement is good, BUT... the piano timing is a ultimately a dealbreaker for me given how integral it was to the arrangement; it just sounds too stiff and unrealistic and should be adjusted.

NO (resubmit)


I think this song is greater than the sum of its parts. As has been mentioned above, that piano is definitely mechanical. The part is well-written, though, and that nearly makes up for it.

I actually really like the fake lead guitar, since it kinda gives me a throwback to some older game OST sound choices. Seems appropriate for such a storied franchise like Street Fighter.

The overall mix seems to have everything just a bit too prominent--part of that is because the stereo field is almost totally neglected--there are several instruments at about the same volume level in the same spot in the stereo field.

Also, I think there's a bit of a midrange bump in there somewhere that makes it sound just a bit harsh. Might be the speakers/headphones you're mixing on.

I do like the drum writing, even if I'm not personally a huge fan of the kit you used.

So yeah, I'm comfortable passing this one. It may not be the single most technically-excellent mix we've ever gotten, but it's definitely above the bar, thanks to a great arrangement and a passable mixdown.


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