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Remixer name: MaZe

Game remixed: Secret of Mana

E-mail: maze.mixer@gmail.com

song title: I won't forget

style: trance

Meet my alias for trance pieces. MaZe. I thought my other name was kind of "a jack of all trades" and i needed to focus on one style first.

So here's my first trance remix as MaZe. (url =>)

It's from Secret of Mana, probably well know to you guys.

Because of the 6 meg file limit i had to convert it at a low VBR rate, so quality suffers a bit...

Hope you'll enjoy it.



Before I start; it's definitely possible to encode with VBR and still have it sound good; take Triforce Majeure for example. I It's a little over 7m and sounds fantastic.

Alright - the drum pattern here is really basic trance, nothing out of the ordinary, but it's solid. The changeup with the ethnic percussion is creative. In regards to the melodic and harmonic material - the synth that plays the melody slowly is really lame. You HAVE to do something with the rhythms there, or the timbre of the instrument, to make it more interesting. Otherwise it feels very slow, plodding, and boring. It's only at 2:45 where something with more movement comes in. But come on.. it's the most generic, cliched gated, annoying supersaw I've heard. You can do better than this. There are other synth sounds you can use in trance besides saws. As is this is just REALLY bland - the synth at 3:43 or so isn't all that great either.

The arrangement is OK but it's not adding much new to the table. If anything it simplifies the bass + chord progression while drawing it out into a longer trance structure. Not much is being done to vary anything besides that. Towards the end, the repetition becomes very noticeable with no variation in the drums (which, again, are solid but bland) and a LONG outtro that is unnecessary.

This is just basic trance. You have to go above and beyond here.



http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sd2 - "Angel's Fear" (sd2-01.spc)

Yeah right off the bat, this is very vanilla/generic in terms of the sound choices. Production left this sounding too thin. Something in the club would probably have more delay to thicken it out and go for the club-friendly-atmosphere.

Source melody at :58 felt so pasted on top of these trance beats, like it was almost an afterthought, though I do hear the trance groove following the progression. Nonetheless, the plucked string synths don't really integrate with the trance material well.

Rather odd changeup in the style at 1:51, but I'm willing to roll with it. Pretty ballsy actually, and you actually had a transition for it, so I'm down. Picked up with some trancy saw-type synths at 2:15 which were too loud and needed to be pulled back a little bit, though I actually liked the idea there.

Back to the bread & butter trance at 2:44, which had some decent genre adaptation ideas, but the melody didn't stand out at all, so it just seemed like nothing interesting was happening all the way until 3:34.

Ewww. Terrible synth choice fading up from 3:36 that didn't even seem to gel with the groove since it wasn't accomodating the melody.

More trancey goodness at 4:02. I'm looking for some better sound balance here. Everything's too loud and the melody gets buried amidst all of these very abrasive electrosynths. You gotta watch the sound balance. Meahwhile the beats are dragging out too long. You could cut some serious fat out of this one and it wouldn't undercut the message here.

Pretty good stuff in place overall, it just needs some refinement with the sound balance, and like zircon mentioned, some additional work with some of the synths to get them away from that overly generic level. Do those things and cut out some of the fat, and this would be much more polished and streamlined.



More stuff like 1:51 please.

Everything prior was really generic and empty sounding. Nothing filling out the midrange. :(

Hooray for arpeggiation? It's bland and cheesy and nothing ELSE is going on to establish a nice contrast.

This is pretty simple stuff. Totally listenable, mindlessly fun; but we're looking for something with a little more depth, some more layers, and broader and deeper soundscape.

It sounds like you know your stuff. Bring more to the table.

NO, but a nice start

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