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*NO* Samurai Warrior 'Yuko'


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email sub file [savefile]060318140130_Yuko.mp3


This is Dream in Blue's remix of the second track from Usagi Yojimbo. The original material was rather sparse, so it left some space for interpretation...not too excessive, I hope. I also hope you enjoy it. :)

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Thank you

Dream in Blue

Serghey Muresan [sofistricatu@yahoo.com]


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Whoa, that bell thing sounds like it's straight from the Tears For Fears song "Shout". Very cool homage!

The beat sets a nice pace for the mix, if not being a little too loud for the overall soundscape. Not sure where that little vocal sample is from, but it becomes apparent that it's just tacked on there to try to improve the soundscape. It'd be cool if you had someone actually providing alternating vocals for the piece like that, eventually leading to a singing section or something.

Abrupt change around 1:46 in the flow of the mix, choir chants come in, then we're back to the RMX beats at 2:15. Ending was a bit of a cop-out, it just.. stopped!

Overall, nice sound with an all right flow, despite that abrupt shift in the middle. But you need more work on the arrangement. This mix pretty much reuses the same ideas for most of the mix.


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http://www.exotica.org.uk/tunes/archive/C64Music/Brennan_Neil/Samurai_Warrior.sid - Subtune 2/3

For the record, this game is called Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo, not just Usagi Yojimbo. Well, checking out this SID, the arrangement certainly has a LOT of creative freedom in terms of where to go, since this source is only 10-seconds long.

Man, this is expanded upon nicely. With something so minimal to arrange, this somewhat liberal approach building off of the original's melody works so well. Too bad these beats and lil' bells and whistles repeat ad nauseum. "You can fly-y-y-y!" Can I? CAN I???!!!

Choir sampling from 1:46-2:07 sounded really cheap, before going right back into the same groove as before. Ah man, lame. This could have gone in some other direction to keep the arrangement ideas fresh, either by writing more rearrangement or changing up some of the instrumentation. Then there's no meaningful ending either? Damn.

Scrap the cruddy sampled choir and introduce more variation and dynamics into the piece and you have an easy winner.

NO (resubmit)

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