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*NO* Mega Man 6 'Battle for the Sky'


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email sub file MegaMan 6 - A Battle for the Sky.mp3

Here's a link to my remix (hopefully, it works):

If it doesn't I've attached the file to this e-mail.

REMIX TITLE: Mega Man 6 - A Battle for the Sky

Remixer Name: Miraron

Real Name: Michael Whalen

e-mail: mbw9548@rit.edu

other websites: http://www.ampcast.com/music/33501/artist.php


Game Remixed: Mega Man 6

Songs remixed: Prolgue and Title music

Comments: I've always thought the prologue and title music from this game is one of the catchiest melodies in existence and it seem that many agree, and I didnt see a remix of it so i decided it was time that a remix be made

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I agree with Darke here. On the production end though, you've got some flat out generic/BAD samples. There's great stuff out there that's not being used. The drums are overused 808/909 sounds which just have no reasonable place here. Basic synth patches just sort of thrown together, combined with detuning issues between the different synths, make the sounds you have pretty unpleasant to listen to. Everything becomes a mush towards the end with the synth choir and the extra percussion. Arrangement-wise, as Darke said, there's basically no interpretation. That alone is grounds for a rejection. You really have to try to make the remix YOURS not just in the sense of using different sounds you picked out, but actually changing the notes, rhythms, harmonies, adding new stuff, and so on and so forth.

It sounds like you're using FL. Check the ReMixing forum and read my tutorials, I think you'll get something out of them. Then, check out some of the other stickied topics and see if you can glean some info from those.


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http://www.zophar.net/nsf/megaman6.zip - Track 14 ("Opening Demo") & Track 26 ("Title")

Admirable going for a more tense feel for the intro. That's about where the positives end. :12-:47 felt like a conservative playthrough of the "Opening Demo" with weak sounds. Segued into some very basic, repetitive claps before recycling the idea over again with some slightly different sounds with cruddy effects on them. 1:36 brings in the title and repeats the same flimsy, conservative formula. At least it ended the way it started to come "full circle." The construction is way too simple, the interpretation way too limited.


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