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Very pretty little tune you've created here. It seems to be more of a loop over and over though rather than a full proper song. As a result, the piece lacks any real direction. The EP which drives the arpeggios in the background is pretty, the beat is a nice concrete foundation for the mix, not really doing anything to stand out, just keeping the pace. The piano is a basic sound, but it fits in well. The backing synth sounds like it has a really slow attack, so it's getting a little muddled up when trying to play so many notes close together around 1:15-1:30 for example.

The arrangement is actually pretty solid, despite the looping. It's a good remix of the source. I'd think it's fair to say that this stands as a good remix on it's own. Unfortunately it's not quite up to the level that we would accept to OCR. But it's still enjoyable to listen to, should be proud with what you have here. Keep up the work. Edit: Apparently I had the wrong source, so forget what I said about the arrangement.



Turrican Original Video Game Soundtrack - 06 "The Great Bath"

I can see TO's not familiar with the original, cuz what's listed in that Mirsoft archive definitely isn't it. I can see why he didn't make the connection though. For some reason, UnExotica's .LHA archive doesn't have "The Great Bath" in it either. This is a pretty popular source tune though in the Amiga arrangement scene.

Pretty conservative take on the source, with the most noticeable interpretation being the drums, and everything pretty much being left intact with this overly simplistic and muddy atmosphere.

Once stuff wasn't played by glassier leads and shifted to the synthier lead at 1:11, this sounded way way worse. There's no sense of judiciousness in terms of crafting the soundscape here. I think the piano and drums barely have any delay on them, making the muddier stuff on top seem really out of place.

Murky. Muddy. Messy.



The mix is too straight-forward. I'd like to hear more evolution done to the piece.

This is also incredibly repetitive and is riddled with questionable notes.

I hear some production issues too with either clipping or crackling. This thing is swamped in delay and reverb.

Sorry but this is a downgrade of the original. It's decent mind you, but more work needs to be paid to the complexity, direction, and production. I really like the style and instrumentation you have here. The ambient/soundscape nature is nice, but please work on the polish of this mix. It's just sloppy at this point.

Keep at it. NO


Using deep whooshy pads like that as a lead is a no-no. There's never any definite release on that kind of sound, so things end up bleeding together and causing unwanted dissonance.

This is prety repetitive. The electric piano is alright, but there's too much reverb, so it ends up sounding really resonant in the midrange frequencies. Bad use of reverb.

Perussion is barely audible, but when it is it's really fake and out of place.

The arrangement is pretty repetitive; its more BGM than anything else, but not any BGM I'd really sit down to listen to. The whole thing meanders and plods along at a snail's pace.

When writing this kind of music, you need to come up with an arrangement that's really dynamic, in terms of volume and melodic/harmonic composion. Things need to change and stay interesting. The same boring stuff over and over again is a drag to listen to.


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