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Posted (edited)

9/9/14 The artist has sent in a version with the bass significantly reduced

Contact Information

Your ReMixer name - Kidd Cabbage

Your real name - Jonathan Peros

Your email address -

Your website - http://jonathanperos.com

Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile - 4773

e.g. djpretzel (http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=1) has the userid of "1"

Submission Information

Name of game(s) arranged - Final Fantasy 2

Name of arrangement - Leon is a Fucking Dick

Name of individual song(s) arranged - Battle

Project - Final Fantasy 2 - Rebellion

Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.

Hi. My name is Jon. I like heavy metal, making heavy metal, and swear words. Sometimes, I mix all three of these. Sometimes, I tune my guitar down to drop X and chug around. Other times, I make weedlies and put them on top of the chugs. Usually, there are more chugs than weedlies, though. The guitar's all gug-gug-gug and the drums are like wham pam pa pow! And then the guitar is like a lot!

Strader was all "You want to make a track for this FF2 project," and I'm all "lol ya." Then I plugged in my guitar, tuned it down to the sound of my fart, and slapped around on it for a while. Don't share my production secrets.

I'm fairly certain this song has a bass guitar, too.


Edited by Liontamer
closed decision
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm listening to the "now with less bass" version. The strings are pretty darned dry. Guitars sound good to me, performances are great, mixing is working. Drums sound punchy and tight but could be a teeny bit louder, not too much though. Just the right amount of bass in this version, the other version was just too much.

The arrangement is a winner, I hear plenty of source, with good personalization and great original stuff and transitions. Fadeout ending, dammit I really dislike fadeouts. Fadeout = copout, imo. Huh. Regardless of fadeout and dry strings, this is working for me, I like it.

Probably need a "now with less fuck in the title" version for the project release, though. (I can't take credit for that joke, it belongs to djp) :-P


  • 3 weeks later...

I will say, this v2/"now with less bass" take did ease issues of the string sequencing sounding super-duper fake and mechanical, and 1:25-1:43 & 2:29-2:41's sections seemingly sounding flat/out-of-key, so those were both good things.

I needed to identify at least 121.5 seconds of overt source usage for the source material to be dominant:

:06-:57, 1:25.5-1:43, 2:14.5-2:45.75, 2:47-2:50, 3:29.5-4:03

136.25 seconds or 56.07% overt source usage

There were some other more liberal usages of the theme I wasn't stopwatching in there, but I didn't need to break it down, since the source usage was well over 50%. Definitely enjoying the creativity of the arrangement approach, and there was no questioning the creativity and interpretation behind this metal take.

The strings & brass kind of died from :30-:54, poorly mixed & buried under the guitar and drums. Then it was WAY worse from 3:29 until the finish, where it was just a wall of mud and the orchestral writing was either steamrolled (strings) or basically inaudible (brass). I could live with the first section I mentioned, but that ending was super cramped from 3:05-on, which made no sense. If you address/fix THAT, I can pass it, but as long as it's just crowded mud for the final section, that's too problematic for me to look past, and it drags the rest of an otherwise strong arrangement down.

It's a great start, and may make it as is, so good luck with the rest of the vote, Jon. :-)

NO (refine/resubmit)

Posted (edited)

Arrangement wise you have made everything quite interesting and have shied away from cover territory which is nice. I can hear the source but I can also hear a lot of you which is great. The strings are quite fake sounding (maybe some reverb and more varied velocities would help), but it isn't a major downer.

I'm not a big fan of the fade out ending. I'm not marking the mix down for it, but I feel fading out here is a lost opportunity to finish up the mix with something more creative. You certainly have the skills for it.

For a project mix I can let this go, but for a mixpost I think more work needs to be done on the mixing side to get it through the gate. The clarity is passable in most places of the mix (like the chugging portions for example), which is good as it is easy in the genre to fall victim to too much low end. However there are some sections that have mudiness which drown out the accompanying instruments. This happens most noticeably at 0:30-0:53, 1:49-2:01, 3:23-end. I would like to see some refinement here (by the way of EQ or filters) to clear up the mix. There isn't really anything else that this needs IMO. Lets do some final clearing up and get this posted.

NO (please resub)

Edited by Jivemaster

Very cool arrangement. That transition @ 2:41 is so smooth. Plenty of trippy riffs and really tight performances. 2:02 is the shit. The fadeout is kinda disappointing.

Production is raw. Very gnarly lows. Works well most of the time, but there are sections where things get too muddied. 3:05-out is particularly crammed. Too much volume in general. You could trim a lot of mud and still have a great sounding mix. I suggest cutting more of the low frequencies to improve clarity

Borderline for sure...



Am I the only one that can't help but think "Cabbage Patch Kid" when I see Jonathan's remixer name? Perhaps it's intentional :)

Things have been covered well in the other votes, so I won't beat a dead horse here. Arrangement is solid with good source usage and personalization. The big issue is the amount of clutter in the busiest sections of the mix as mentioned before.

Sounds like an extra beat was added between the guitar runs at 2:44. It's possible it was intentional, but to me it just sounds like a bit of a flub on the performance. Not a big deal; it possibly could even be fixed with a bit of creative clip chopping, rather than re-recording.

Not gonna like, the fadeout felt really weak, especially given the energy of the section you had going at the time.

If you can get the clutter cleaned out and parts sounding cleaner and more separated, this should be good to go. If you want, consider the ending and the 2:44 fix as well :).

NO resubmit, please

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