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  • 1 year later...

Why, hello there ReMix from 2001. You haven't aged the most gracefully, have you? Okay, let's take it in context of the time and form then.


The song is fairly repetitive, and there are only a few different FX used to keep things interesting. It also has a bit of a thin sound to it, but makes up for this with catchy Melody incorporated well into the overall piece. Luckily, it still holds up as a good example of the form, and honestly if you remade this song today but used better chiptunes and samples, it'd be great.


And really, 14 years old and still sounding good? Achievement!

  • 2 weeks later...

I like how the first review I see says this remix aged well, and then the second one says it didn’t age well. I think it holds up well enough in this day and age. Great use of piano. Love how it blends with the dark (as indicated in the title) mood created by an electronic rearrangement. The end almost felt like the track was building up to something, and then it ends.

  • 3 weeks later...

Regardless of the age of this remix, I shall be reviewing is as I would any other (i.e badly).

Overall this a solid track dance track from beginning to end. The beat is solid and not overpowering while the pads and textures give some nice body to what would have been a potentially basic main melody if left by itself. Well produced and doesn't out-stay it's welcome. Not much else I can say really!

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00260 - Sonic 3D Blast (SAT) "Dark Puppetry"

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