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It got pruned, so I'm reposting. If I may be so bold as to suggest making it an announcement (since Gorveg's original was also an announcement) as opposed to a sticky, then this one can stick around a little longer.


I've noticed a surprising amount of people not using the edit button, and other problems that can be attributed to lack of forum knowledge.

Being the nice guy I am, I will give you a run-through of posting basics. I highly recommend all forum newbies read this, as it is a rather in-depth look at posting, full of tips and tricks.


1) This is the subject line. When you start a new topic, this is where the title of the thread goes. Subjects are required for all new threads, but are unnecessary for replies.

Note: We at the OCR forums typically do not put a subject in our replies. Most of you will never have to bother with this line. This may be different at another site's forum, however.

2) These are the style buttons. These are all mostly self explanatory. b is bold, i is italic, u is underline.

To use a style, the text must be within the tags. Some may prefer the methods built into phpBB to do this more easily.

a) Click once on the style of your choice to begin, then enter the text you want affected, then click either the style button again, or 'Close Tags'.

B) Highlight the text you want affected, and click the style tag ONCE!

c) Cut/paste the text you want affected into the tags.

NOTE: Some browsers will not let you do some methods. I know for a fact that Opera will not allow you to use method b.

Any way you do it, it should look like this:


That will appear to us like this: BOLD TEXT HERE

Here's a quick run through of the proper syntax of the other buttons.





endblink's image tutorial goes into much further depth in this subject.

[color=green]Green text here![/color]

Green text here!

[url=http://www.ocremix.org]OverClooked ReMix[/url]

OverClooked ReMix

There are four main types of lists.

Unbulleted lists

Unbulleted lists

  • ITEM



  1. ITEM
  2. ITEM
  3. ITEM

Bulleted lists

Bulleted lists

  • ITEM
  • ITEM
  • ITEM

Numbered lists

Numbered lists

  1. ITEM
  2. ITEM
  3. ITEM

3) Emoticons! You should all know them, and the point behind each should be quickly apparent. Just click to activate it.

4) This is the body of the post. This is where you type the reply you with to post.

PLEASE try your best to spell correctly, and use correct punctuation and grammar. It is a show of respect towards other forum members.

It is much easier to read "Have you seen my cat? It's around here somewhere" than it is "hav u seen m ycta its aruond heer sumwhere!?!?"

5) These are a few options. Don't worry about those, they are fine the way they are.

6) These are more specific options. These can all be left alone, but I will explain them all briefly.

Disable BBcode will make all of the tags I explained earlier not work.

Disable smilies will disable smilies. This helps when you are listing things, and don't want 8) to appear in place of:


Unchecking 'attach signature' will remove your signature (often abbreviated as 'sig' or 'siggy') from the bottom of your post. I'll go into more depth

in this later.

'Notify me...' will send you an email when this thread is replied to. I don't recommend clicking this unless you want your inbox spammed.

7) Preview will allow you to look at your post before you actually post it, allowing you to check if your tags are all correct. This is a good time to check for spelling errors and such. Once you are satisfied,

Submit will send your post into the thread.

Also, there is a window below this that allows you to look at the most recent previous posts. You can copy and paste from there if needed.


Now that you know how to make a post, we'll discuss a few other things about posting.


This is a fairly typical post. I deleted the text, as it is really irrelevant for this demonstration.

1) This is where the main message of the post is. This is the important part of the post.

2) Now, these buttons are quite important as well.

icon_quote.gif is the quote button. When you want to respond directly to someone, you can click this, and their post will appear in quote tags in your reply. You can edit that text to narrow down to the specific part you wish to reply to.

Be aware that it is bad form to quote a LONG post like this one just to write one sentance about it.

icon_edit.gif is the edit button. If you notice you made a spelling

mistake, or if you want to reply to someone else who posted while you were typing your reply, you can use the edit button to add to your post.

While acceptable other places, posting twice in a row (double posting) or more is very bad form here.

icon_delete.gif This button will only appear if you have the last post in a thread. If you find that you accidentally double posted or have second thoughts about your post, use this button to get rid of it entirely.

3) These are some basic statistics about a user. They're all rather self explainatory. The small picture is my avatar. You can set an avatar for yourself if you wish in your Profile.

4) This is where your sig will go once you have one. They can be pictures or text. Sigs can be added in your profile, the link is located at the top of the page.

5) icon_profile.gif will allow you to read a user's profile. You can make yours in the profile link at the top.

icon_pm.gif sends a Private Message (PM) to a user. Use this if you have a question directly to them, or want to tell them something and no one else.

There may also links to a user's AIM, MSN, email, and webpages, which can be added and removed as they see fit.

6) icon_minipost_new.gif Now here's a button not very many may know about. Every post has this little icon on the top left corner (If it is an unread post, it will be orange. Otherwise, it'll be white). It contains a link that will take you directly to that specific post. To get this link, you can either right click it and select Copy Shortcut (IE) or Copy Link Location (Firefox), or you can click it yourself and copy it from your address bar. This can come in handy for when you want to direct someone to a particular post without having them scan all over the page to find it.

Thank you for reading my (actually Gorveg's, I just copied it) in-depth guide to posting. Good posting habits are the first step in making friends and getting along in any forum.

Good luck.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Most of the code is still the same though, it's just the buttons that are a bit different(And as we continue the migration, some will change again)

  • 2 years later...

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