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*NO* Supremacy 'Cosmic Cataclysm'


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This remix of the Supremacy Title screen was originally written in two days for the PRC crowd. After taking second place to Sir Nutz it sat on my harddrive where it became my mixing fodder for an entire year. This remix is special to me in that it documents the progress I made production wise over the past year and after 15 different versions I think it's at the point where it can make a run through the panel.

Remix Name: Cosmic Cataclysm

Genre: Epic Electronic Metal


Source usage: The remix uses the chord progression that is present in the more upbeat part of the source throughout the remix.

00:00-00:34 -3/4 of the intro melody of the source split between some different instruments

00:35-01:05 - Variations on the second section of the source

01:06-02:21- More variations on the same second section of the source

02:22-02:52- Elongation of the buildup around 2:28 of the source

02:52-End - Recap of the second section of the source


Edited by Liontamer
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String and woodwind timing/articulations sounded fairly unrealistic for the first 20 seconds. As soon as the guitar arrived at :20, the mixing seemed needlessly muddy. Lead synth at :34 lacked expressiveness and just seemed too stiff/quantized. Woodwind at :53-1:00 didn't click with the other instrumentation and just seemed to get buried in mud under the guitar. Drumkit from 1:05-1:20 & 1:36-1:51 also was exposed and stiffly timed.

I'm probably grandpa-ing about that flute and may need to get used to it, but it's only a smaller issue. The muddy mixing and overly tight timing were enough to pull this down to NO. It's an interesting arrangement, but the execution's lacking and it feels too stilted.


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Great vote by Larry above. Flute leads - as a matter of fact, throw in the synth lead as well - sound too stiff and small. Things are definitely crowded in the mid ranges as soon as the guitars and drums join the party. The booming hits towards the end just exacerbate the problem, though only a couple times.

Another issue I'm hearing - though not as big of one - is that some of the elements don't quite sound like they're in the same space. You've got some reverbed elements, like strings, choir pad, etc contrasted with pretty dry acoustic drums. Don't go overboard, but see if you can get a touch of verb on the drums to get them to sit better.

Sections like the transition at 1:05 sound a bit empty and plodding with the rigid backing parts and drums playing. It's not a big deal, but working a bit to make sections like this more interesting could help things out here.

Arrangement has some good ideas here and you've sold the overall song narrative really well. Props here.

I'd recommend trying to get better separation between each of the parts with mixing, some eq cuts, and perhaps a bit of tasteful panning. Also, work on your sequencing to get the natural instruments to sound, well, more natural. Working with individual note velocities goes a long way here.

NO resubmit, please

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I feel like the guitars are just filling up the entire space here, and then you have these elements like the flute and wind stuff that's just sort of trying to push through but can't really. Drums also feel like they're getting lost underneath the guitars, and whatever is there just feels like it's on autopilot.

Arrangement and approach is nice, but there are balance issues here that you need to address.

NO, resub

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