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*NO* Final Fantasy 4 'The Lunar Frequency'


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ReMixer name: Lontas

Email address: rontasu@gmail.com

Web site: http://lontas.no-ip.org/

Game ReMixed: Final Fantasy 4

Song ReMixed: The Lunarians

Comments: Having been a fan of the site for a good four years, I figured it's high time I get off my butt and submit something. This is a ReMix of one of my all-time favorite works of Nobuo Uematsu, The

Lunarians from FF4. So simple, yet so harmonically interesting.

This ReMix is more conservative than the usual for this site, as my aim was to enhance the composition rather than re-create it. I'm a big fan of pedal tones (i.e. a low tone that sounds continuously throughout a piece) and therefore the focus of this ReMix is the banging pedal tone which is also so pervasive in the original. I used some subtle production tricks in order to (hopefully) make the banging pedal tone sound more ominous than it really is.


My Site: http://lontas.no-ip.org/

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http://snesmusic.org/spcsets/ff4.rsn - "The Lunarians" (ff4-41.spc)

Some wind SFX to kick it off, followed by piano with residual effects at :10. Piano's pretty similar to the style of the original. Melody kicked in at :29, following the original in a fairly straightforward manner. Melody and countermelody are used verbatim, so I'm hoping to hear something more interpretive develop.

Some harp in there at :59, though the ambiance until 1:34 sounds extremely lo-fi and panned too hard to the left. Some major jumpiness done with the volume (forgot what you call that) starting at 1:42. I see what you were going for, but felt the effect was used a bit too extremely. Last section at 2:53 goes minimalist with the piano & wind.

Overall, the source really isn't being interpreted much, as you said in your submission letter. It's just the original with better samples and wind ambiance underneath. IMO, it's not even much of an enhancement. It takes a lot more expansion than that for this site.

Make something more unique and don't follow the structure and tempo of the original so rigidly. Not gonna NO Override, because you tried to do your thing with it, but it's nowhere near the interpretation that's generally accepted. I'd be interested in hearing your future work though.


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This ReMix is more conservative than the usual for this site, as my aim was to enhance the composition rather than re-create it.

That's your problem right there. You said you've been a fan of the site for four years. You should know by now that an "enhancement" won't fly.

It's essentially an upgrade of the original, with some interesting effects. Not interpretive enough. Sorry.


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Yeah, Liontamer and Darkesword hit the nail on the head. I enjoy doing upgrades of SNES tunes from time to time myself, but that's not what OCR is about. You gotta put more thought into the arrangement. It sounds to me like you have a fairly good grasp of production (though the odd, slightly panned strings are no good imo) so just put that to good use with a more interpretive arrangement.


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