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email sub file 11 Punchout Theme 1.mp3

Hey there,

So, we did a version of Mike Tyson's Punchout on NES, that is totally sweet.

We are an 80's workout band, so we needed to punch this one out!

Check out the video too.


Dr. Sweet

Rump Posse


"Steamy Scandals & Love Handles"


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http://www.zophar.net/nsf/punchout.zip - Tracks 23 & 22

ROOOOOFL at these crappy beats up to :39. Put some effort into them, even if you're going for some contrast with the rock. It IS filling up 1/3rd of the track. Percussion patterns after that were nice and beefy, but somewhat boring. Production doesn't have to sound pristine and antiseptic and all that, but it sounds a bit rough. Those obviously minor issues all mean more when you have such a short track. Cool cover, but no meaningful interpretation to speak of besides adapting the tune to the genre.

2:19-long? Didn't even develop the theme into anything, and when it ends, it's simply because y'all stopped playing, not because you wrote a meaningful ending.

Rock covers are cool, especially if you don't want the theme interpreted (OMG liek dont tuch it!), but you gotta go beyond that if you wanna throw it up onto here. The mix title doesn't even have a creative name. Interpret the material more and add some original ideas here to personalize your approach further.



What's the deal with the lo-fi percussion and synths in the intro? I didn't think those were adding a whole lot.. kinda sounded like you were going for an NES-style sound, but it came off as just sort of ugly. I would have gone with a cleaner sound or a more accurate NES sound rather than a sort of dirty pseudo-NES sound. Anyway, once the other instruments came in things picked up. The guitar performance was good, as was the overall tone. However, it seemed like everything but the rhythm guitars (which were really beefy!) is panned dead center. Why not give the lead and the drumkit some stereo room to breathe? They sound squashed sitting there in the middle like that.

The interpretation of the theme is very close to the original. I definitely liked the feel and the style of it, but there is really very little arrangement going on. Generally what we look for here is something more than a straight up cover of a tune. Added variations on the melody, changes to rhythms/progressions, original material in the form of improv and soloing, that kind of thing. This remix is short enough that I think you have more than enough space to work with to add in that stuff. I would really like to see this resubmitted with some changes. Until then;


  • 3 weeks later...

Pretty much in agreement with Larry and Andy. Opening 'old-school' sound is way off; go for closer-to-authentic NES sound. Great guitar work, but the production could be better, as per zircon's suggestions. Also, we're not looking for straight up covers here; we want reinterpretations. Play with rhythm, meter, tempo, etc.

That ending is also pretty cheap.

Hope to hear more from you soon.


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