Nutritious Posted February 26, 2015 Posted February 26, 2015 It's been way too long since I subbed anything. This song was created for the 2015 Artist Appreciation Competition, which focused exclusively on remixing games that were funded via Kickstarter. I was originally planning to make this into a sort of hybrid DNB/rock/other track, but my ideas weren't quite working out during the writing process. Eventually, it morphed into a more traditional symphonic rock track with some synths thrown in for good measure. While I've utilized Shreddage multiple times on other songs, this is my first attempt at sequencing a lead guitar. It was a bit of a risk because of having a very limited time frame for the competition. Though I feel there's quite a bit of room for improvement, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and learned quite a bit in the process. Source breakdown: :00 - :26 Simplified take on OST intro (:00 - :14 in original) :27 - :36 Original (chords from OST only) :37 - 1:01 A section of OST (:13 section) 1:02 - 1:25 B section of OST (:45) 1:26 - 1:48 Original (chords from OST only) 1:49 - 2:13 Original soloing over OST A section 2:14 - 2:25 B section of OST, more modified melody writing 2:26 - 2:34 Original soloing over OST B section 2:35 - 3:12 Bridge of OST, slowed down (2:03)
Chimpazilla Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 I think you did a tremendous job utilizing Shreddage, lead and rhythms and bass all sound great! I think I like your remix better than the original. Guitars and synths sound great, drums are rockin' and snare has just the right amount of snap. Nice melody/countermelody/harmony interplay. Superduper, wish it were longer. YES
Flexstyle Posted April 28, 2015 Posted April 28, 2015 My only crit on this track is that everything is sequenced so tightly, which I suppose is kinda a side effect of using virtual guitars, drums, everything, etc. It's clean, well-mixed, and well-arranged, so it's not a dealbreaker, but it would be nice if you would loosen up a bit next time YES
Emunator Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Actually agreed with Flexstyle, I was having a hard time putting my thoughts into words on this. This is solid work from you and clearly above our bar, but everything is very tightly-quantized and so clean, it feels a little bit safe and restrained. I'd love to see just a bit more attitude to this mix! Arrangement is rock-solid, sample quality is great across the board... it's just a little underwhelming to me. No disrespect, I think you've got a solid track here that people will enjoy regardless! YES
zykO Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 the arrangement is frickin awesome, dude; obviously. put together better than the original as if this was the intended uses of the respective sections. that alone gets the Yeven if i have to agree that it is almost too clean lol i'm partial against synth guitars (oh the horror! lol) but this is pretty good work (shreddage is win). not nearly enough to take away from the Y, that's for sure. this just wins on so many organizational, compositional levels that i can't get hung up on how tight it sounds or how unlively the guitar sounds (warning: extreme bias)YES
DarkeSword Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Killer retro sound. Love the texture and the part-writing is awesome. Very clean. YES
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