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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Hero of Green'


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I'm a long-time fan of OC, first-time submitter. My name's Tim Krause and I am the head of a recently-separated band called Sweet Comeuppance. We did some songs about video games and I figured once our album was complete that I'd see what you guys thought of us.

The song I'd like to submit is called "Hero in Green" and is our title track. Here's the link to our site's download page:

As you've probably guessed, it's based on The Legend of Zelda. It doesn't reference any specific installment but I think it's pretty sweet. Most of our music is a cross-genre hybrid of different hornline styles but I'd say this is a mix of reggae and piano ballad. Die-hard Zelda fans will recognize the Zelda theme in the intro as well as the Gerudo theme during the hornline break and the Zelda theme's intro at the end.

Being a new submitter, I don't really want a DJ name. You can just use Tim Krause. When should I check back to your site? Could you include a link to our site as well? I'm hoping this will spark peoples' interest in our album. Thank you so much for your consideration and keep up the great work! What you guys do is just great. Thanks,

Tim Krause

Sweet Comeuppance

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Hmm...fatigue....flulike symptoms...sounds like mono. the piano that is.

EDIT: Lots of listening

after the piano intro, I cant identify anything from the original in this remix that's fundamental to the composition of the song until 3:00. The chord progression is the same as Pachbel's Ganon, but remixing that remix is not the same as remixing a zelda song. after 3:10, most of the track is identifiably a remix of either gerudo theme, title fanfare, etc.

As for the song, this thing is very catchy and on the whole very well put-together. the singing is strong and very well arranged, the horns are fantastic, the composition of the song is just great. This song frankly rocks.

we're talking about greater than 50% of the song that has either no remix material or only passing reference to the original. unless you count the lyrics.

taking everything into consideration, i'm willing to use my liberal-arrangemnet stick to give this thang a YES beating. The song is incredibly tight, and the lyrics are brilliant and verymuch zelda. To me, these factors outweigh the fact that the chords/melody of the verse only relate to zelda music via implied chord progression. Pushing the liberal envelope, i know, but these guys did something really cool here, and really zelda.

EDIT: oh and i'd really like it if we could hear from djp on this one; i feel like i can prove the quality of this mix myself, but it's a question of how much original material is acceptable etcetc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

http://www.zophar.net/usf/lozusf.rar - 68 "Gerudo Valley"

Die-hard Zelda fans will recognize the Zelda theme in the intro as well as the Gerudo theme during the hornline break and the Zelda theme's intro at the end.

Read the submissions guidelines. Throwing in some brief references (2:08 & 4:52) or sections (3:03) with Zelda music admist a nearly wholly original song is a violation of site guidelines and NOT what the site is about.

The only reason this is on the panel is because the performance isn't bad and you deserve some critique on it. Vocals sound a bit green and untrained, but are otherwise pretty good. Good harmonization when in play. The drums could stand more variation.

Vocals were buried under all the instrumentation from 3:27-3:52. Sounded like an intentional choice, but not one that really benefitted the mix.

More video game music arrangement like 3:27-3:52, otherwise stuff like this will never pass under any circumstances. Look forward to possibly hearing a real game arrangement from your next band.


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  • 4 weeks later...

i'm going to have to disagree with some points, likely sending this, undoubtedly, into a discordant deadlock

i think the track's only apparent failure is in the fact that it does not arrange anything in particular. it is truly a tribute to zelda rather than a tribute to specificity. this is obviously turning off a couple of judges but it doesn't turn me off. the zelda theme is apparent to me in the intro and at several different parts throughout the piece. very well arranged, if you ask me...

i think the point is that maybe one would prefer something more DIRECT but as cryptic as the arrangement is, it is also quite brilliant...

this isn't a repeat of ocarina boogie where there was hardly a trace of zelda in it. there is plenty of zelda here, i'm shocked you can't hear it.

as for qualifying the piece itself, the singing is good. i don't hear any green in it... no more than fitting ;). the song is intelligent. there are timing issues and some funny notes here and there but the arrangement is such candy that i can't help but overlook that. i dig the "autopilot" drums... it is not a flashy rhythm, it serves its purpose in a track whose greater purpose is clearly the witty lyrics; kinda like reggae?

perhaps this track will ultimately come down to a matter of preference and how many of the judges end up on one of the sides. but if this is going to fail entirely on account of arrangement, i feel it'll need to be given more attention because there is really nothing wrong with arranging an implied chord progression in what would ultimately become a vocal piece. melody does not always have to be accomodated as a centerpiece

this is zelda goodness.


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first off, i don't think this is bad at all.

it's plenty creative, a good idea, and has passable performances on all ends (though the brass do get a little sloppy at times).

my main issue is that there's really not any arrangement going on. references to the source material are just used for ornamentation.

as a tribute to Zelda this is good. great even.

as an OC ReMix though?


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