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yeah just send myself and rpggamer180 (foxhull) a pm with some of your work, or link to where we can find some. If you are submiting something that is a WIP for you, just note that it's a WIP. If you are interested in any other aspects of the project please let us know.


im currently reviewing your work pocketman, and avaris, i was still thinking of doing the Humans and Gears, but with the super mix i was thinking of doing individual super mixes of each song, not a 25-70 min mix of every song, because personally, i wouldn't be able to listen to a 70 minute mix without skipping to other parts of the mix, cause that what im understanding of your idea right now, if thats not what you mean, try to explain it a little clearer, but its still a good idea

EDIT: Pocketman is in.


My idea would be to to take all the remixes, and use Ableton Live to takes different pieces from each mix and put them all together in one large mix.

I do agree with your point about the pitfalls of a very long mix, I prob envisioned it being around 25-35 minutes.

Now to do a super mix of each individual mix would seem redundant. Example: Say we have 20 finished remixes. Your saying we would use Ableton Live to remix each of those individual remixes, and end up with 20 other mixes? So for instance, I finish my 'Aveh, the Last Dance' mix you would want to use Ableton Live to remix my mix into a different version, without any new melodies or rhythms from the other remixes?

I propose; in an attempt to use Ableton Live to create shorter mixes, say 5-15 mins. We would use 3-4 mixes(whatever the#), and some individual pieces the instrumentalists and vocalists create, that are similar in style and tempo, and use Ableton Live to create a 5-15 mix using the different rhythms, melodies, harmonies from these similar pieces. In turn this would mean we would end up with more super mixes, but each of the would only be 5-15 mins. This would allow us to be less restrictive on styles and instrumentations, and allow the remixers more freedom to do what they want.

Of course Doomsday would have to be willing to do the 4-5(whatever # it ends of being) super mixes (5-15 mins). Doomsday feel free to jump in and comment anytime, your ideas have been great so far.


It probably wouldn't take me too long to do like, 5 minute mixes and stuff, definately not a month but truth be told they're a lot harder to do. What I was picturing was like, two epic, 60 minute mixes, one for Gears, one for Humans. Whatever you want, I'll check back in tomorrow though, I gots school to do.


epic mixes... it doesn't sounds good!

I have many mixes in my playlist because I like some parts of it... very few mixes I like entirely... and for sure it's impossible for such a huge mix to be interesting throughout, and I'll not listen a 30 min mix just to hear a 2-4 min section that I like!

I'm still afraid about the outcome of this project... but I hope it flows nicely!


yeah that's prob why were gonna try and go the 5-15min route. We would not take every little aspect of each mix to do the super mixes. We would prob take the best parts and aspects of 4-5 mixes and mix those parts together in a 5-15 minute mix. And do that multiple times depending on what various styles the remixers choose to do.


I'll be on vacation Thursday morning to Sunday(maybe Tuesday, at the latest). if i can, i will be on, if not, avaris is in charge. Just so you are warned ahead of time.

Oh, and i just got Ableton Live, and im gonna work on learning it of the weekend

also, im going to continue remixing


Just a quick update, FYI we are redesigning the sigs. And they rejoiced YAAAY. (monty python reference)

And also I'll have a real basic description of the concept up soon too. No more speculation, this will be an outline we will go from.


I def agree, my main thing is I want the project to succeed. If a more senior member became one of the leaders and or influential factors of this project I think that'd be great and I would strongly encourage it. My big thing is I would like the concept we've established so far to be followed on through.

My main reason for signing on is that I wanted this project to succeed and give it a swift kick in the ass in the right direction, I also had some ideas that I believed would be really good for this project. I also friggin love Mitsuda's work from all the games he's done music for, and believe any project with his name on it should be a damn good one.


The concept is as follows:

1. A Remixer may choose to do a remix in any style they please.

2. After a Remixer has chosen their source tune, they will need to also choose what style/genre they will do shortly after.

3. After the remixes are finished we will take “X” number of remixes from each style/genre and do a 5-15 min “super mix” for each style/genre using Ableton Live. Ex: we have 5 styles/genres there will be 5 “super mixes”

4. With Ableton Live we will combine different rhythms, harmonies, and melodies from the remixes and any vocals or solo instrumental pieces anyone wants to contribute.

5. The only restriction will be the tempo range put in place for each style/genre. This will be decided per style/genre by the remixers who are doing the remixes for that style or genre. Some styles/genres just work better under different tempos and our goal is to try and give each remixer as much freedom as they desire.

6. Depending on the compatibility of each remix across the board, an extra long super mix may be created as a bonus track at the end.

If you are a vocalist and or instrumentalist and you would like to do a solo vocal piece or a small piano, guitar, bass etc… for any of the remixes or super mixes you are strongly encouraged to do so.

We currently have just created a forum for the project, and we are having some professional artists sprucing (yes sprucing) up the sigs and providing further artwork and design ideas.

Edit: This List can now be found on the main post in the beggining.


The main post was updated a bit, obviously that couldn't have been done while the boards were down and this was my first chance to update due to a power outage at my house. Also, a few project remixers have given permission to invite some people. The WIPs that we have so far sound pretty dang awesome. Just pretty much a general update.


why to create even more remixes, seperate ourselves from other projects, and do something that hasn't been done before on the site before duh...no but seriously in my opinion this is a pretty cool idea, and im psyched that my mix and my work will be mixed in with the other mixes of similar genres on the project.

With the right *attention to detail* some of these super mixes could really be something to behold.

This also gives the chances for intrumentalists or vocalists to contribute something to the project without actually having to create a whole mix.

The beauty of Mitsuda's work, is that when he scores a soundtrack alot of the songs he creates have a similar feel and tone to them. It makes the idea of this super mix idea a much more attainable reality when working with one of his soundtracks. I respect your opinion, but after hearing what Ableton Live can do, I believe the super mix idea is a very attainable one and will produce good results.


So I got a PM from Avaris, saying that I should join in. Doomsday recommended me so I'm just seeing what the deal is here. But I haven't even played Xenogears so I don't know if I'm firm on being in the project.

No offense, but this project sounds like a really bad idea. Why would you mix remixes together?

I'm just starting to get the ideas of this project, but think of how a DJ in the club mixes songs together. As a DJ, 90% of his prescence is already determined by the music selection.

My guess is there will be two parts to the project: a mixed compilation of the remixes, and the standard collection of remixes as separate songs. Some 2-disc DJ albums are done in this way.


Ah yes yes, very good. Thats a pretty good general description as to what the final project would be like. Honestly I just started playin the game also, its damn good. Better than any ps2 rpg...so far. Project or not, I highly recommend the game.


I've actually never played the game but the soundtrack just BEGS to be remixed, it may be my new Chrono Trigger (In that I'm going to end up trying to remix half of the soundtrack). I may end up picking up the game after I'm done with my remixing (personally I love remixing themes I've never heard before, it gives me much more freedom to put a new twist on it because I haven't heard the original context anyways).


I'd like to thank my bro, for doing those sigs. Even though he'll prob never see this thank you as he is more of an artist than a musician.

Oh yeah btw, for those already involved in the project I got a lil something I threw together for the mini sig on our forums, go check it out and tell me if I got no business with art or if it needs one or two more touches. It's 250x100.

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