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I agree with Necrox; the soundscape is lacking punch and life. Some congas or bongos with brighter tones would help liven things up; the ones you have are fairly muted. The hand drums at 1:08 are a step in the right direction, but at 1:24, it sounds as if they were repitched too much or something. Mainly, with regards to your percussion, the patterns are fairly simple, without much syncopation. Lots of quarter notes, and that doesn't really maintain interest for very long.


Most importantly, the overall feel and energy that the piano at 0:07 and organ at 0:38 evoke did not change significantly. The mix doesn't really change gears, and if you just scroll through the mix 15 seconds at a time, you can't tell that you're listening to a different part of the track. In other words, the dynamics did not evolve and the energy feels too consistent. Somewhere halfway through the track at least, I would expect something to bring down the energy and a more expansive soundscape to come in.


I agree with Necrox; the soundscape is lacking punch and life. Some congas or bongos with brighter tones would help liven things up; the ones you have are fairly muted. The hand drums at 1:08 are a step in the right direction, but at 1:24, it sounds as if they were repitched too much or something. Mainly, with regards to your percussion, the patterns are fairly simple, without much syncopation. Lots of quarter notes, and that doesn't really maintain interest for very long.


Most importantly, the overall feel and energy that the piano at 0:07 and organ at 0:38 evoke did not change significantly. The mix doesn't really change gears, and if you just scroll through the mix 15 seconds at a time, you can't tell that you're listening to a different part of the track. In other words, the dynamics did not evolve and the energy feels too consistent. Somewhere halfway through the track at least, I would expect something to bring down the energy and a more expansive soundscape to come in.

Thanks for the criticism timaeus222. I took some of your advice and updated the remix..


You can listen to it here:



I tried to add better dynamics to the piano and organ. I also added some syncopation to the tambourine.


The drums have way too much reverb on them. It's really distracting. But I like the idea. The flute needs to be less sharp. Soften it and let it decay softly, like a real flute would. But yeah The reverb needs to be lessened or something. There's too much of it. everything else is mixed pretty well in my opinion. As far as the arrangement goes, I feel like you should establish the tempo and the rhythm for the listener a little bit longer before the melody comes in. The entire time I was trying to make sense of it all.


Why is there suddenly so much reverb on the percussion :shock:

It was mainly to add depth. To give the feeling that the percussion are being played behind the rest of the instruments. However, I probably will tone down the reverb on the percussion.


I think the main thing your mix needs is a more driving groove or some differentiating sections. The whole thing sounds pretty stagnant until around 2:00 where there's a change in the harmonies. I'd suggesting listening to some Steve Gadd drum patterns on YouTube or listening to some latin stuff by Michel Camilo to get your drum parts driving just a little bit more. The interplay between auxillary percussion, drumset, and bass are what really drive the latin groove.

Props to covering some Battle Network, it does not get enough love.


Apologies on the lack of Mod-Review, but it actually seems that this track was more a WIP than a Mod-Review, considering how often it's been changing up. I'm setting the tag to WIP, for that purpose, so when you get everything button'd up again you can set it right back. Good luck on it!


Is the shaker panned only to the left? It's a bit distracting. Sometimes if I want a wider percussive field I can add a very slow tremelo to say hats in order to give a slight sweeping panning effect. Something like a rate of (1/4).

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