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Hey guys. 

So it’s been 5 (crazy) years since I submitted ‘The Angels of Hell’ and (an even crazier) 10 years since I created my first VG arrangement. Me thinks it’s time for something new!
Remixer Info
Remix Info
  • Game Title: Sonic Spinball (Genesis)
  • Remix Title: Roboticize Me!
  • Source: The Machine
  • Original Composers: Howard DrossinBrian Coburn, Barry Blum
  • Game system: Sega Genesis
If memory serves, I actually started this remix in 2009. It was originally intended to be much longer as I created about 2 min of addition material for the song. Maybe I’ll do and extended edit some day.
Anyway, many of my songs have a story that goes a long with them and this one is no different. In the game, this level takes place in a giant robotizing machine where innocent animals are turned into ‘Badnics’ by Dr. Robotnik (I’m old school). The first part of the song (0:00-2:09) introduces the machine.
Now, just picture a little furry critter being put inside of this massive machine, tubes and conveyer belts going everywhere, and the little guy having no idea what’s actually happening to him (2:10-3:05). It’s kinda exciting and kinda playful but still uneasy and foreboding (think Looney Tunes cartoons with the Powerhouse theme by Raymond Scott:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3FLN0iQ9SQ). But then it sees another critter being turned into a robot (3:05-3:34. A melody I created). The Machine’s true nature is revealed! Then the machine goes into overdrive! It’s now a fight for your life! Does our furry friend escape?
I wanted the song to reflect this sense of good vs evil. Or more specifically, The Organic VS. The Synthetic. No where is this clearer than during the roboticization scene (3:05-3:34) and at the end (4:00-end). The end melody really doesn’t sound natural at all anymore. It’s almost disjointed, with both strings and synths battling for supremacy. It just sound a little OFF! 
Hope you guys enjoy!
Ryan Roberts
Random Hero 




Wow! Random Hero, it's been a while! I've always been a fan of how conceptual your tracks were in the past, this one is certainly no exception.


Just a few quick thoughts, I'll come back and write up a vote later because I'm not sure how I feel... Strong concept, execution is more of a mixed bag. The hi-hats feel really loud. Source is there. Not a fan of the sequenced harpsichord/synth guitar, string sequencing is good in some places but the longer staccato melodies feel fake. Leaning towards resub, but I'll touch back on this later.



  • 4 weeks later...

Wow that source song is terrible :-(


Your rendition sample wise is much better, and it has a lot nicer feel overall. The high hats are a little overly prominent, but mainly because there is not a lot of high frequency stuff to join them. I am fine with the harpsichord, but maybe treating it a bit and doubling it down an octave would help it feel a little bit less thin. I do agree that some of the string sequencing could use some smoothing. The larger areas that need it tend to be near the end, around the 4 minute mark and beyond. 


I think this is sitting pretty good, but a little bit more polish would put it over the bar.


No, please resubmit

  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely a solid take on the original source tune, you've certainly made the song much more listenable and it's great to hear people take a chance on a track like this which wouldn't normally see a remix. Your intro is a nice orchestral/synth modernisation of the original and really sets the mood for the rest of the track. Your arrangement while not straying too much from the original has some decent original ideas peppered through.

A couple of problems for me. First off your panning. I found that the harpichord and your other lead parts tend to lean towards the left or right hand side and should really be centred considering not much else occupies the centre of the mix. There are some other instruments in there (including a bass) that occasionally sit left or right, which IMO makes the mix feel off balance in the stereo spectrum.

The strings in your mix sound robotic in places, and do get a bit messy during the mix's outro. I don't mind the samples used, but it would be great if these were humanised a bit so that they fit in better. I'll echo Emu' and OA's sentiments that your hats are a bit loud, but if re-balanced against your leads, they should fit in fine. Your production otherwise is pretty decent.

Certainly a good start and I'm quite a fan of this mix, but I think this requires some more polish in the mixing department before it gets a green light. For me personally, if you re-evaluate some of your panning decisions, you'd be in a pretty good place.


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