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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Forest Adventure (Watch Out for That Big Scary Wolf Out There)'

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Love YamaYama!





Remixer name: YamaYama
Real name: Milo Fultz
Website: http://www.yamayamatheband.com
Userid: milothefultz (http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=49032)

Game: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Name: Forest Adventure (Watch Out For That Big Scary Wolf Out There)
Songs used: Lost Woods, Title Theme

Song is attached.



Milo Fultz

// Upright and Electric Bassist 
// Bass Teacher and Music Theory Tutor



  • 4 weeks later...

Let's get the stopwatching out of the way here, first off...

:51 - 1:06 [15s]

1:20 - 1:52 [32s]

1:52 - 2:30 [38s]

2:30 - 2:35 [5s]

2:52 - 3:04 [12s]

4:06 - 5:35 [89s]

Total: 191 seconds / 335 = 57% source

Cool! This felt VERY noodly during the Lost Woods sections, but that Title theme cameo section really helped bump your source usage. So, now that the formalities are out of the way...

This. is. SICK!!!

Your past submissions have been very compelling but this is the first one that really stopped me in my tracks and made me realize how damn musically-savvy you all are. There's some seriously-bonkers jazz wizardry going on here, and it's cool seeing everyone flex their performance chops as the track morphs between an upbeat jam, the sexier smooth-jazz sections, and... whatever you call the madness that happens around 1:55.

One minor quibble I've had in the past with YamaYama's performances was the relatively-stiff sounding sax, which was performed very well on a technical level but sometimes lacked in expression, in my opinion. I'm happy to say that's not the case here - the sax performance sounds very lively and dynamic here, as does the rest of the instrumentation. Nobody's slacking on this track. Level up! ;)

This mix makes a compelling case for the most fascinating and all-around well-performed arrangement I've heard all year. Seriously, you guys have outdone yourselves.

Vote changed below :(

Posted (edited)

Emu already stopwatched this one, so can I just please say HELL YES and get this over with? TBH, I'm surprised this one's even being submitted to OCR, that's how good it is. Can't wait to see this on the front page!

For anyone else: in case you haven't seen the sweet awesome music vid, here that is, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4BRC0obexg




EDIT: I'm not going to give this a NO vote, so I'll just retract my yes. 

Edited by Flexstyle

Eugh... I got sloppy there - I had originally lumped the timestamps for source and non-source passages together, and when I was deleting the non-source ones I accidentally left that section in my count. I don't actually hear any source there.

That puts my rough estimated usage at 45%... shit. Larry, mind doing a breakdown on your end to see if our percentages match up?

On 12/31/2015 at 1:29 AM, Flexstyle said:

Emu already stopwatched this one, so can I just please say HELL YES and get this over with?

No. Always verify someone else's work for yourself. :-)

The track was 5:39-long, so I needed to hear the sources used in at least 169.5 seconds of the piece to consider the VGM source material dominant in the arrangement, per the standards ("The source material must be identifiable and dominant.").

:50.5-1:06.25, 1:19.75-1:52.5, 2:30.5-2:34.25, 2:50.5-2:54, 2:56.5-3:08, 4:05.5-5:09.25, 5:10.25-5:16.5, 5:18.5-5:25.75, 5:27-5:39 = 156.5 seconds or 46.16% overt source usage

Basically, I had what Emu had. In a vacuum, I love the piece. I won't go as far as to say the soloing was "indulgent," because it's not. But things tilted just a bit too far towards non-VGM composition as far as the standards go because the soloing and original writing was so extensive, including the lengthy introduction and middle sections. Would have loved to have heard more cameos or references worked beneath the soloing just to tie it into the Zelda source material somehow and ensure that dominated the arrangement.

That said, I've always voted down tracks with sources used somewhere for less than 50% of a track's length. A pass here would be relaxed and lean toward musicianship, but be arbitrary and inconsistent with stating that the source material has to be dominant. If there's any source tune connection's I'm missing, I'd love to ID 'em and not have to be the bad cop.

NO (resubmit)


Yeah, I regretfully have to agree. I had a gut feeling that this was pretty liberal at first, but my silly math error made me give this the benefit of the doubt. On a repeat listen it's pretty clear that the original sections are too dominant for OCR standards, especially because there are periods of time where the track will go almost a minute or more without any callbacks to Ocarina of Time. I'm not a strict 50%-er like Larry by any means, but the source usage in this track is heavily lopsided and I can't sign off on this in good conscience, as much as I love this track.

Send us a slightly-abridged radio edit version, or work some source usage in somewhere else, and I'd eagerly give it my stamp of approval. As it stands though, I've got to flip my vote. Sorry :(



Wow, this is indeed sick!  Superduper performance skillz on display.  I sadly have to agree that there isn't quite enough dominant source use.  My main issue is the section from 1:52-3:04, I only hear a teeny bit of Saria's Song in that section.  Interestingly, that whole section reminds me of the Potion Shop theme, could you have been going for that?  I'd love to hear this with either more Saria throughout that section, or make that whole section the Potion Shop.  As it stands though, this is fairly close at 46% (I'm finding Larry's count really accurate) but I have to go NO just based on our standards.  I hope to hear this again!

Honestly if it were to be confirmed that the middle section was intended to resemble the Potion Shop theme, I would YES this.  It does bear resemblance.


NO (resubmit)

  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2015/05/20 - (3N) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Forest Adventure (Watch Out for That Big Scary Wolf Out There)'

For YamaYama, we'll always love you. If there are any other Zelda: OoT references in here that we're not picking up on, just let us know and we'll revisit this. Otherwise, a tweaked version to add some more of either source theme as background during some of the wholly original sections would be enough to tie things a bit more strongly to the OoT music.

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