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8 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

Here's something interesting


From a sample size of 800,000 players, Symmetra tends to be on the winning side the most with Torbjorn being 2nd. Mercy and McCree being the lowest.

Yeah this makes complete sense to me.  Symmetra and Torb are characters used almost exclusively on payload defense.  What's the thing we know about payload defense maps in quick play?  Nobody gets to the payload or the objective, it's much easier to win payload on defense in quickplay than KotH.


Patch notes are out.

Seem sensible to me.  If any of you watched pro matches or go against a very good widowmaker, you'll have noticed the quickscoping trick they've been doing for some time now.   That's now gone and that's fine.  Nerfing the bodyshots is ok too, wm has too easy of a time with targets like zenyatta.  No D.Va buffs for now. 

3 hours ago, Sir_NutS said:

Patch notes are out.

Seem sensible to me.  If any of you watched pro matches or go against a very good widowmaker, you'll have noticed the quickscoping trick they've been doing for some time now.   That's now gone and that's fine.  Nerfing the bodyshots is ok too, wm has too easy of a time with targets like zenyatta.  No D.Va buffs for now. 

I'll admit that I've sort of lost interest in the game at the moment, though I've lost interest in basically everything at the moment, so I haven't tried these changes yet

but the only one that seems weird to me is making it so that you have to wait for WM's scope to completely zoom out before zooming in again. Judging by the cinematics, the gun transforms really quickly, so it seems logical that it wouldn't have to collapse fully. I also don't see how it made her OP. Scoping out after every shot and then being able to reposition quickly and accurately by zooming back in seems more like a mark of skill than an unfair advantage.

11 minutes ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

I'll admit that I've sort of lost interest in the game at the moment, though I've lost interest in basically everything at the moment, so I haven't tried these changes yet

but the only one that seems weird to me is making it so that you have to wait for WM's scope to completely zoom out before zooming in again. Judging by the cinematics, the gun transforms really quickly, so it seems logical that it wouldn't have to collapse fully. I also don't see how it made her OP. Scoping out after every shot and then being able to reposition quickly and accurately by zooming back in seems more like a mark of skill than an unfair advantage.

Quickscoping with wm offers a few unintended advantages, first, it allows you to reposition faster after each shot, as you move slower while scoped.  Second, It allows you to see the surroundings for an instant, and denial of vision of surroundings is one of the key disadvantages applied to snipers to keep them in check , that's why the sniper rifle in UT99 was ridiculous.  Finally, it gives you both these advantages without losing charge time, because after each shot there's a small recoil time plus a small delay before it starts charging again, this time is cut and instead used to quickly check your surroundings and strafe quicker than intended.  I'm sure any of this was something blizzard intended wm to have so it makes sense for them to cut it.


So my brother just gave me his extra Overwatch account and I'm just getting into the game.  Other than him walking me through 3 or so of the characters, I don't know much about what heroes to choose for which maps and situations and what not.  I'm liking Hanzo because I was a big fan of the huntsman in TF2, so that's a natural fit.  I like Lucio as well, though his damage output is unfortunately/understandably super low.  

The biggest problem I'm having right now is that he was and is (with his main account) playing with a lot of competitive-level players, so the MMR on this is absurdly high.  I guess if I lose enough it'll eventually come down to a reasonable level.  It makes it difficult, though, to try new characters I know nothing about since the competition is pretty cutthroat.

Anyway, I'll try to get my battle tags posted in case anyone wants to play, though I'm pretty much only on late and not for a huge amount of time.

On 6/27/2016 at 4:07 PM, Nutritious said:

The biggest problem I'm having right now is that he was and is (with his main account) playing with a lot of competitive-level players, so the MMR on this is absurdly high.  I guess if I lose enough it'll eventually come down to a reasonable level.  It makes it difficult, though, to try new characters I know nothing about since the competition is pretty cutthroat.

Practice vs AI. It's a great way to learn how the characters work.


I don't think Widow is OP honestly.  Any sniper that can't kill in a single headshot is a sniper that isn't powerful.  It's especially bad that she can't one-shot Bastion from the front when he's in turret mode (note: this isn't me asking for a change to the character).  Lately I find myself playing a lot more McCree at range and saving Widow as a counter character to punish 2x support (especially Zenyatta), Pharah, or the rare turret placement where Widow can hit it without triggering the turret's response.

Also, I think that McCree and Soldier 76 both do a better job of replacing her on a team than Hanzo does, but that could be because I am inconsistent with the bow and arrow.

One exception: I really like Widow on a couple of the Ilios stages where she has amazing perches.


wm is strong, but I don't think she's OP, not now at least.  before the nerfs a case could be made against her because she could oneshot-bodyshot squishies like zen, and her ulti was silent so she could wipe out several teammates popping out of a corner with no counterplay.  She's in a good spot now imo, she'll still get picked a lot because defense will need a sniper on most maps, and Hanzo isn't really a reliable long-range sniper.  So until we get Sombra, WM will have a high pick rate, but not really because she's op, but because there aren't other real alternatives.


Competitive has been out for a little while and it's definitely going to take Blizzard a little while before they get the ranking system balanced and exploit free.  The mode is having a serious rage quitting problem, i've had several matches where someone quit 2 minutes in which usually prompts the entire team to leave as soon as they can.  On top of that server crashing exploits that can be used by the losing team to end the game without affecting their ranking are making rounds and completely killing any fun competitive mode could have had.  

You can't expect perfection right off the bat with these kinds of things but i'm going to give competitive a break until at least season 2 or 3 when blizzard has had a chance to fix some of these issues.  

1 hour ago, Garpocalypse said:

I play Lucio more than Mercy when i support so i can't really verify anything but I have heard some complaining about the changes from teammates.  

Still waiting to play a game with Mercenary (Matt Mercer who does the voice for Mcree) I hear he does all of his plays in character.  


Wait Matt Mercer plays the game? That's badass!

On 7/2/2016 at 5:47 PM, Garpocalypse said:

Competitive has been out for a little while and it's definitely going to take Blizzard a little while before they get the ranking system balanced and exploit free.  The mode is having a serious rage quitting problem, i've had several matches where someone quit 2 minutes in which usually prompts the entire team to leave as soon as they can.  On top of that server crashing exploits that can be used by the losing team to end the game without affecting their ranking are making rounds and completely killing any fun competitive mode could have had.  

You can't expect perfection right off the bat with these kinds of things but i'm going to give competitive a break until at least season 2 or 3 when blizzard has had a chance to fix some of these issues.  

Right now a big sticking point is how koth works and hero stacking.  If any of you follow competitive tourneys, the hero stacking is getting incredibly ridiculous now.  Thankfully a lot of leagues implement a hero limit rule, but some of the biggest like Gosu don't, and I'm pretty sure that when blizzard gets to organize their own tourneys they won't either.

Good news is that the OW team is always listening and making changes, OW competitive will be in a good place in a few months from now for sure.

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