Chimpazilla Posted May 21, 2016 Posted May 21, 2016 Garpocalypse Ryan Davis Tekken Revolution-Tempest Source: Hey everyone at OCR. Here is a remix I did from the Tekken Revolution OST Tempest. Originally, it was conceived intention of trying to get on one of the Apex albums, It was however the victim of a few rewrites and by the time Apex came around the track was no where near ready. I hung onto it for awhile and after some much needed sprucing finally subbed it. The rain effect that plays throughout the background of the entire track was a live recording of an actual storm. There was also a fair amount of processing needed in order to get the storm to fit around the mix without sounding EQ'ed, increase/decrease the intensity of the rain and to get the thunder to hit at appropriate times. I hope everyone enjoys it. I had a lot of fun working on this.
Gario Posted June 22, 2016 Posted June 22, 2016 What a calming track. It certainly gets the coastline atmosphere across, even without the storm in the background/foreground. I really love this approach, especially considering how in-your-face the source is, in comparison. The storm sound effect, while fitting, is pretty loud in the track, to the point where it not only overpowers the acoustic music, but even takes up nearly all space available for amplification, due to the peaks that it has. Compressing the SFX down a little bit will give you a lot more room to make the mix louder (though I do understand you were avoiding this), and decreasing the overall volume of the storm will allow the listener to hear the arrangement more clearly. The section from 2:20 - 3:08 could easily be cut in half, as far as length goes, as it completely disrupts the flow of the song when you have nearly a minute of nothing but ambient noise right in the middle of the track. All of that being said, you did an amazing job recording that storm with such clarity - it's not easy to get such a clean recording of such an event. Kudos for that! The performances are pretty good. Some of the textures that are performed on the guitar are a little bit too loose, though - it's especially noticeable right at the beginning. It's not a dealbreaker, but tightening up the performance there would be wonderful. I feel that the arrangement gets a little bit repetitive toward the end, as well - after playing the theme for as long as this track goes on, the repetition becomes quite overbearing. You could probably cut out sections like 4:43 - 4:54, as that sounds like unnecessary padding, and add a little bit more variety in sections like 3:57 - 4:43 (to separate it from the earlier portion of the song that's similar). The changes that occur in these sections are far too subtle to really distinguish them from earlier portions of the arrangement. The repetition that occurs in the track, the balance of the storm SFX levels and the nearly minute long pause in the middle of the track bring this a little below the bar, for me. It's really a great arrangement, though, and I do hope you come back with those things fixed. NO
DragonAvenger Posted June 23, 2016 Posted June 23, 2016 Totally agreed on the storm volume here. My suggestion is that after the initial entrance to bring it down a touch to Larry the other parts come through bete, and maybe bring it back up at appropriate moments. I'll also agree that the interlude is just too long, and really could be cut down to maybe 15-20 seconds and abusive the same effect. The track is really cull, and I loved how smooth you were able to make this compared to the original. I will agree again with Gario (nice judgement, BTW!) That the parts after the interlude overall feel a bit too similar to what's come before. A solo or maybe another track cameo might be useful in its place, our trimming down the track in general. I think this is close, hope you fix it up! NO (resubmit)
DaMonz Posted June 25, 2016 Posted June 25, 2016 This is very nice! Beautiful arrangement, and cool concept for sure. I have to agree that the break in the middle is *quite* long, and is honestly the biggest deal-breaker for me. The storm alongside the music didn't bother me as much, but I do think toning it down just a little wouldn't be a bad idea. I also think there's just too much repetition once we get into the second half of the track, and more variation would go a long way. This is definitely very close, and I hope you'll send in a revised version soon! NO (borderline)
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