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  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/07/09 - Final Fantasy 3 'Oceans Azure' *RESUB*
  • Liontamer pinned this topic

It's most definitely better like this, without the drums, although the other issues are still there (occasional sour notes, somewhat rigid sequencing, odd lead volume envelopes).  Are you sure you don't want to put in some subtle drums (subtle/soft and half-time from the first version), at the very least during the reprise at 2:34?  Even just a shaker or toploop?  If this is the final version, you get my YES but it won't be the strongest YES ever.

Switching to NO in the interest of moving things along.

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/07/09 - (1Y) Final Fantasy 3 'Oceans Azure' *RESUB*

No crits? Aw, you're no fun. The drums being removed helps, but I'm still feeling the other issues that were present still tilts this below the bar. The missed notes were a really easy fix - I'm particularly surprised nothing was done there. I think my prior vote still stands - details on other judgment, minus the drum issue.


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/07/09 - (1Y/1N) Final Fantasy 3 'Oceans Azure' *RESUB*

This is too quick and impulsive of a RESUB, because IMO just taking out the drums makes the song feel too empty and didn't feel like a substantive way to address the criticisms on dynamics. :-D

That said, I'm considering this like more of an in-game piece where it's very possible that you wouldn't need/want drums in the picture, in order to give this the benefit of the doubt, but I still don't think it feels quite full enough. But it certainly could work with that approach. I think with one or two more elements in here, e.g. some sort of further padding/airyness, more transitions similar to :49's sweep, and/or more variation in the instrumentation, the piece would sound more complete.

In any case, the arrangement's still good, but there's still something missing here dynamically. Still hoping this can fully click so we can post it in some form; it's not as if it's far from the mark.

NO (resubmit)

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/07/09 - (1Y/2N) Final Fantasy 3 'Oceans Azure' *RESUB*
  • 3 months later...
  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2016/07/09 - (3N) Final Fantasy 3 'Oceans Azure' *RESUB*
  • Liontamer unpinned this topic
  • Chimpazilla pinned this topic
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