Tetsuo Shima Posted March 12, 2004 Posted March 12, 2004 Any of the Weapons from Final Fantasy 7 and up. Quote
Sir Toaster Posted March 12, 2004 Posted March 12, 2004 Any of the Weapons from Final Fantasy 7 and up. Ultima Weapon from FFX was a wuss. Omega wasn't much better. Quote
Seven Posted March 12, 2004 Posted March 12, 2004 Any of the Weapons from Final Fantasy 7 and up. Unlike most of the bosses in FF7, you couldn't just run into battle and just keep mashing X to win against the weapons. If you know what to do against each one, it's not really that hard. Quote
Tallis Spar Posted March 12, 2004 Posted March 12, 2004 Not the hardest boss ever but Piastol in Skies of Arcadia Legends is a tough cookie if you aren't leveled (and even if you are she is damn annoying). And using a scythe gives her a +3 awesomeness bonus to her boss rating. Quote
Sylantnight Posted March 12, 2004 Posted March 12, 2004 Ozma from FFIX isn't that hard at all!!!!! you have to use that stupid frog in your team to take off the status effects and then smash all his MP with a Hammer!.. didn't take longer than 5 minutes to beat after that.. trust me.. Who ever said it's eazy to kill the Emerald in FFVII is a LIAR and either never played that game or is WAAAY too cocky.. plus too much credit for ya because that was probably the hardest ANYONE could face.. I mean first of all I played that game like 4 times and every time I went and fought the Emerald with everyone on Lv.99 and got EVERYTHING that can kick ANYTHING'S A$$... I must've did Nights of The Round like 15 times, Omni slash like 8 times and demi ALL the time for about 19 minutes straight... That summon does 99999 12 or so times, Omni slash too and just regular demi takes 99999.. THEN he died after about 10 times of trying.. what the hell kind of monster can go through THAT?! COME ON! Quote
Spectre General Posted March 12, 2004 Posted March 12, 2004 Dude, when I beat Emerald, he never hit me. And I wasn't even level 99. Link Knights of the Round to HP Restore. Then W-summon it, Mime, Mime, Mime ect... Yeah it takes forever to kill him, but you own him easily. By my calculations he has around 1,000,000 HP. Then again, I'm the only person I know who has ever had Air Tam Storm MISS. So.... Quote
CreatorGX Posted March 13, 2004 Posted March 13, 2004 Omega Pirate in Hard Mode.no question. You have to be like light-speed button handler....to beat him...and i beat him on my B-day for some reason...unlike the other 236 times....yes...i have kept counting and you need like a full arsenal of energy tanks just to survive one move..... Meta Ridley and Hard-Mode Metroid Prime are pushovers from this guy....since Prime form2 is easy as hell...and form1 is hell in hard....... WORST NIGHTMARES EVAR Quote
The Coop Posted March 20, 2004 Author Posted March 20, 2004 Anyone ever played a tough little game called The Adventures of Batman and Robin on the Sega Genesis? It wouldn't surprise me if few people ever have, as it was an insanely hard game from start to finish. Long levels, tough bosses, lots of enemies, and firepower that was a bit underwhelming. I was playing through that profanity inducing game yesterday for fun, and one boss stood out... the level three boss from The Mad Hatter's level. At the end of this level, you're faced (no pun) with a HUGE face of the Cheshire Cat. With a pair of claaws that move around and nail you, it also shoots out of it's eyes. This doesn't sound like much, but when you play it, it's always moving pretty quickly... making you always on the run dodging shots and the claws while trying just to get off a shot or two at it. This thing take a long... long time to kill. So long in fact, that chances are you'll never last long enough to actually kill it. I did once... once. I've never done it again. It's such a simple thing with not that many attacks, but it sure as hell is hard. Quote
Bren Posted March 20, 2004 Posted March 20, 2004 well...he might not necessarily be the hardest boss...but hes the toughest boss off the top of my head: Deadbeard from Golden Sun. (in case that wasnt his real name, its the boss of the secret island with all the great treasures) Quote
Lulanie Posted March 20, 2004 Posted March 20, 2004 I have yet to find one......... kitty kitty meow.......... Quote
Alexi Stuvok Posted March 20, 2004 Posted March 20, 2004 Omega Pirate in Hard Mode.no question. True that. I still haven't beat him, and I was amazing at the game. Quote
And_Justin_4all Posted March 20, 2004 Posted March 20, 2004 i do believe that the toughest boss i've ever faced, was Mr. Dream from the origional punchout on the NES. i couldn't beat him WITH gamegenie codes. but that's just my opinion. Quote
Sir Toaster Posted March 20, 2004 Posted March 20, 2004 Dude, when I beat Emerald, he never hit me. And I wasn't even level 99. Link Knights of the Round to HP Restore. Then W-summon it, Mime, Mime, Mime ect... Yeah it takes forever to kill him, but you own him easily. By my calculations he has around 1,000,000 HP. Then again, I'm the only person I know who has ever had Air Tam Storm MISS. So.... I beat him at level 75. Cloud had the final attack/Phoenix combo (which I didn't even need), and Yuffie had conformer and 4x attack. One or two mastered hp up materia, some megalixers, and I was set. I didn't even have knights of the round! The trick is that aire tam storm does 1111 damage for each materia you have, so if you only have two or three, you're okay! Ruby I had KOTR and Mime. I inputted the commands, ate dinner, and saw that I had won. Quote
DMC_Freak Posted March 21, 2004 Posted March 21, 2004 uhm The Batman game for nes is hella hard, Contra bosses, and contra....and uhm if your not at a high enough level some PSO I&II bosses are....damn you ugly fish enemies! Quote
Vagrant's_Angel Posted March 24, 2004 Posted March 24, 2004 Every boss on Mega Man Zero 2 on GBA. Quote
Aerospace Posted March 24, 2004 Posted March 24, 2004 well...he might not necessarily be the hardest boss...but hes the toughest boss off the top of my head: Deadbeard from Golden Sun. (in case that wasnt his real name, its the boss of the secret island with all the great treasures) Deadbeard? Meh, he was kinda tough...not as bad as Dullahan though. To beat deadbeard I took Garret and all he did the whole fight was use the flash djinn....over, and over....Mia cast Wish when necessary...which was basically during those turns when Flash was not protecting the party.... which was really only every other turn, so no big deal. Ivan and Isaac went nuts with summons and offensive magic, Mia only casting what small spells she can when not healing. I have not done any huge tactics-forming for Dullahan other than summoning all I can on him, and letting my party go down...hoping it does enough to kill him. And Sephiroth in KH, like I said somewhere a few pages back, is tricky to get the hang of....at first he'd waste me in just his normal form, before I could see any damage to his health bar.... After I got through that, he wasted me a LOT when he does his "Don't let me die!!!" thing. Dodge roll is your friend Finally when I survived that, after a LOT of dodging, healing and pathetic attempts to attack him, he did his final form thingie.... That was easy...I was really glad for my big defense against darkness I got that part on my first try, then got him down successfully again the next day. The trickiest part is just getting the strategy, and I was quite proud to not have looked at any strategy guides, gamefaqs, etc.... lol Mega Man Zero 2....my friend has that game...she showed it to me, I couldn't beat the first level...but then again, I've always sucked at MegaMan. Quote
FlankingLine Posted March 24, 2004 Posted March 24, 2004 Anyone ever played a tough little game called The Adventures of Batman and Robin on the Sega Genesis? It wouldn't surprise me if few people ever have, as it was an insanely hard game from start to finish. Long levels, tough bosses, lots of enemies, and firepower that was a bit underwhelming. I was playing through that profanity inducing game yesterday for fun, and one boss stood out... the level three boss from The Mad Hatter's level.At the end of this level, you're faced (no pun) with a HUGE face of the Cheshire Cat. With a pair of claaws that move around and nail you, it also shoots out of it's eyes. This doesn't sound like much, but when you play it, it's always moving pretty quickly... making you always on the run dodging shots and the claws while trying just to get off a shot or two at it. This thing take a long... long time to kill. So long in fact, that chances are you'll never last long enough to actually kill it. I did once... once. I've never done it again. It's such a simple thing with not that many attacks, but it sure as hell is hard. Yeah, I didn't think he was that hard. I think The Mad Hatter and Mr. Freeze were harder. I loved that game, though. Quote
Cerd_Fen Posted March 24, 2004 Posted March 24, 2004 Gotta hand it to Lavos's first form. NOT the wimpy ones you fight at the end of the game, but the one that comes out of the Mammon Machine. I know, you're not supposed to beat him, but I couldn't let myself do that... Sheesh, does that guy dish out the damage Quote
HorrorgasM Posted March 24, 2004 Posted March 24, 2004 final boss of robocop vs terminator for genesis its just this big terminator head that you have to jump around shooting for like a half hour while it shoots at you and terminators keep popping up and attacking you final boss of shinobi for ps2 holy shit what a cheap bastard, the only way to hurt him is to kill those little guys that pop up and charge your sword then hit him so you have to do that perfectly several times then hope that he doesnt block you and make you do it all over again last 2 levels of firestarter for pc I've never fought a cheaper bunch of bosses ever in my life. in the 2nd to last level you have to go through the whole level then kill the boss who does you constant damage just by looking at you. you cant save so if you die you have to do the whole level over and once youre in the room with it you cant leave and theres only a few health things which dont seem to respawn and arent enough to help much. I'm not even going to get into the level after that. Quote
CreatorGX Posted March 25, 2004 Posted March 25, 2004 Omega Pirate in Hard Mode.no question. True that. I still haven't beat him, and I was amazing at the game. Try bringing a friend over... they seem to have good luck... and whenever you collapse from a pirate-induced coma ,they can cover for you... the ploblem is....I never found that last missle tank... but its nessessary that you grab every tank... or powerup you can get your hands on.... hand and a gun on.... and after reliving the PRIME nightmare... you're in for hell Quote
HorrorgasM Posted March 25, 2004 Posted March 25, 2004 I dont know why everyone has such a hard time with omega pirate. it took me a few tries the first time I fought him, but once you figure out how to hurt him its pretty easy. hes not that much harder on hard mode either. just make sure you have a lot of missiles and youre fine. Quote
X infested Falcon Posted March 25, 2004 Posted March 25, 2004 First time I tried Omega Pirate on hard i got him to half health... that was after not playing the game for 3 months... So really I wouldnt consider him the hardest... I havent really faced anything that I would consider "hard" But the Boss that gave me the most trouble was Sephiroth from KH. But, its all about knowing what he does. He has like... 5 different stages. first he just does the slash and the firewall. Then he goes on to sin harvest. Then off into his beserk mad ground to aerial combo. Then the meteor attack, and those anoyying black orbs while he does the spinning attack right after teleport. Once you see all his stages, he's cake. For some weird reason I had trouble with Kurt Zisa... o.O Try beating any of the bosses in Super Metroid with a keyboard... now THATS hard... since the keyboard cannot read 2 keys at once... you gotta be able to jump then let go then shot in about a split second... Hard shiz... Quote
SnappleMan Posted March 25, 2004 Posted March 25, 2004 Freya on Universe difficulty in Star Ocean 3. No contest. Quote
CreatorGX Posted March 25, 2004 Posted March 25, 2004 I dont know why everyone has such a hard time with omega pirate. it took me a few tries the first time I fought him, but once you figure out how to hurt him its pretty easy. hes not that much harder on hard mode either. just make sure you have a lot of missiles and youre fine. beating the normal pirate was easy... but i never used missles like you do...long reload time... plus its kinda weak... TWAS THE SURROUNDING ENEMIES THAT I IGNORED THAT CAUSED DEATH X-infested Falcon over there helped me out when he came over... even though I was the one who kicked his a$$... Quote
HorrorgasM Posted March 25, 2004 Posted March 25, 2004 well super missiles obviously...not the regular ones. it would take like an hour if you used regular ones Quote
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