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Great groove, excellent instrumentation. However it does lose a lot of points for me due to it's sparseness, partucularly at sections like 1.10-1.20. Of course, I badly wanted this to 'resolve' at the end with a chord, but it didn't happen, leaving me in the air.

It is somewhat minimalist, but the style definitely works for me.



The drum exits and entrances are rather akward, as are most of the transitions after the intro.

Don't get me wrong; i really really dug everything up until the drums first exit. It works as a great and very moody intro. Unfortunately i feel like it never really takes off from there. On the whole, the track relies a bit too much on the drums dropping in and out for dynamic variation. I would really really like to hear some more substantial ideas developed here, because your concept is great.



i actually really liked this right off the bat. i think my problem with the drums is that sometimes it gets too busy. the piano part is very gentle and insiduous... and then there are these insane drumfills going with it for such stark contrast

i'm digging the atmosphere, witout a doubt. very chill even with the drums.

i disagree with vig on this one. i think this varies up quite nicely. when the pads come in, i'm expecting this thing to go somewhere new and it does. the only noticeable problem with this transition is the drums. the drums ought to have shifted and switched up right then and there. instead they are the same, at this point, tired groove.

the piano is great and i just think that you could have done so much more with the drums.

i'm going to yes this instantly if you can give me better drums underneath the pads and into the section that plays what is essentially the bridge from the source. have it then morph into the original drumwork underneath the piano part and you got a winner.

NO wit a little dash of yes


http://project2612.org/download.php?id=36 - Marble Zone

I liked the arrangement here, and wanna stress how you went in the right direction. IMO, it was more creative and interpretive compared to most of your previous subs.

Opens up with some nice piano, plus some really sparse, empty beats. The groove here doesn't sound like it's remotely in the same place as the piano, making the parts sound like they were merely glued on top of each other.

Cool crud with the sitar synth or wuteva at 1:52, though it would probably be better if the sounds were allowed to trail off after the last stutter effect, rather than cutting off completely. Nice ideas though, except for the beats remaining sparse and being on auto-pilot.

Piano came back at 2:24, basically repeating the same ideas as the beginning, while the beats finally changed up significantly at 2:48 before dropping out at 3:01. A little too late for that, no?

zyko gave some solid advice on what you could do to avoid the disappointing repetition that occured here with the beats. Work on that, and perhaps flesh the track out with one more instrument/part, and you'd be in much better shape.

NO (rework/resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

This is ace. Loving every minute of this. I can dig the minimalist style. The drums are dry and very clear compared the reverberance of the other instruments, but that's a creative choice which has been pulled off particularly well in this instance.

I'm gonna follow Malcos' lead and pass this one. It's enjoyable and a solid minimalist remix. There isn't any standard on this site that says a good minimalist mix can't be passed just for being a minimalist mix.

Like Malcos, I was waiting for a chord to resolve the mix, but it never came. Smallest of issues that has no bearing on the outcome of this vote.


  • 2 weeks later...

I liked this one quite a lot.

That being said, it wouldn't take much more to nudge me over to the YES side of the fence. Here's the deal.

The drum grooves are funktastic, you scored points in your pattern programming. The double edge to that sword is that for the most part, the drums are too loud and drown out the melancholy piano, which is otherwise great. The choir pad is way too quiet throughout. I could barely hear it at all. Sitar-like synth at 1:31 was pretty cool.

Overall, the interpretation and genre-adaptation from source was terriffic. I just want a couple of those production issues fixed. I have no qualms with the minimalist approach. Only other quirk worth mentioning, and it's not a big one as far as I'm concerned, is what Vig had to say about drum transitions. They sounded a bit on the lazy side. I think you could have thrown in some ambient effects and more effectively utilized some fades to make the drums seem to flow a little easier rather than "Meh, I think I'm just gonna run out of steam and quit".

This is definitely worth a quick tweak and resub, so I hope that's what happens. Great work, overall, and bring this one back soon!



This is a tough call here. The atmosphere IS really good throughout. The drums are well-programmed and varied enough that they don't get boring. The production is also pretty strong. However, it does take 1:20 or so to get to another instrument being added to the mix. I think you could have definitely added more stuff before that point to make it a little more engaging, you know? Some pads, harmony synths, another drumline or two. From 1:20 to 1:50 or so, again, more stuff in the background would be great. Once the piano came back in, it was sort of back to the first part of the song. Nothing much new.

This is a good concept. You are definitely on the right track, but like your Flying Battery sub, you just need more stuff. Even if you only add ONE pad layer, if you program it well it can fill up tons of sonic space and make the whole thing a lot more interesting. The interpretation aspect is fine here; a little more and you've got a pass.


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