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*NO* Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo 'Blood on the Asphalt (Live at the Western Front)'


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* Your ReMixer name - Shael Riley

* Your real name - Shael Brendan Riley

* Your email address - Shael.riley@gmail.com

* Your website - www.shaelriley.com

* Name of game(s) ReMixed - Street Fighter 2

* Name of individual song(s) ReMixed - Guile's Ending

* Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.-


Hey, Guys!

This is a live version of Blood on the Asphalt, sans the additional instrumentation and mastering provided by Richter for the album version, from my Friday 10/20/06 show at The Western Front in Boston. No hard feelings if it's not what you're looking for. I know I've been a brat in the past.

Note the original melody, in addition to its obvious appearence in the intro and between vocal verses, as counterpoint during the choruses.

Best wishes! See you at MAGfest.


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sans the additional instrumentation and mastering

That's the thing. This obviously wasn't a professional recording either, so you've got the mic at a considerable distance from the source. The only thing this has over the BOTA version is the guitar. Official BOTA version is better. This would be good to put as an alternate version on the BOTA site, but this isn't for OCR. Sorry Shael.


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i'm really conflicted on this for a couple of obvious reasons. for one, i love the original track and of course love shael and more importantly, am a very gimmicky sort of fella and love live tracks even if they aren't really live (:))

but here we have a real live track and that is an instant winner in my book. does it sound distant ? of course - but its live.

not everything about OCR has to be studio-produced. not only that... not everything has to always be about how it sounds. it can, at timse, simply be about what it is about.

and this is about live videogame music, intimate, real and natural.

count it.


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http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sf2 - "Guile's Ending" (sf2-26.spc)

http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ssf2 - "Guile's Ending" (ssf2-31.spc)

The crowd noise doesn't sound like it's from the actual performance, but it certainly produced to sound like it fits; nice job. Who's that helping with the vocals anyway. The synths and guitar work here were pretty solid, though imbalanced vs. each other AND the vocals. Loving the 8-bit stuff and deep bass synths here. Hahahahaha! "Mothafucka, whip yo dick out, son!" Just completely random, so many people will hate the song solely because of that.

I liked the too-subtle bassline arranging the foundation of the source from 2:29 onward, though a really liberal move to keep some involvement of the source in the background. Ha, nice reference to the source chorus with the backing vocals from 4:07-4:11, though the second time around from 4:17-4:24 didn't sound in tune.

Part of the problem unfortunately with this recording is that much of the subtleties in the background music that provide the interpretation factor for the source tune aren't really audible here. On that level, the production isn't there, and it also ends up inadvertently affecting the arrangement aspect of the track, since some of the parts arranging the Guile Ending (when compared to the album version) aren't even audible in this live version. The album version of this mix was already teetering over the edge of being too liberal/original. To me, the actual arrangement of the source tune is most evident from :01-:35 & 1:56-2:29, but then that's about it.

I hate to sell the arrangement short, but what's here is going too far off the beaten path. Otherwise, I would have been down. If you ever revisit the arrangement for live performance and integrate substantially more of the Guile's Ending arrangement into the instrumentation, I'd YES it. There's only 30 seconds of source tune to work with, but I can easily see it being used here more overtly and better integrated with the rest of the song.

NO (resubmit?)

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i really like the *studio* version of this song.

i've discussed this in #ocrjudges, because while i appreciate the *style* and intentions here, OCR has kind of evolved into a very finely-polished showcase. And while all genre's, styles, etc. are received with an open mind, some things just simply don't fit no matter how interesting the approach (Shnub's Espergirl comes to mind, which I LOVED)

Quoth the submission standards:

ReMixes are evaluated based essentially on characteristics that fall into two categories: arrangement and sound quality. ... Under sound quality, the mixing (mastering, panning, effects), processing, and sample quality are taken into account. ... An OC ReMix strikes a balance between creatively reworking the original composition and paying attention to mixing and sound quality, and is thus judged accordingly in both of these two areas.

so yeah, that's pretty much it. as fun as it is to have a "live" version of your track, it's not really got that "showcase" appeal. I'm not saying I'll never YES a live track, but the deliverance is a little weak on this one. So I guess Malcos summed it up in a less-wordy fashion.

I dig, man, but it's just not for here.


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Yeah, a fun song to be sure, but I'm going to have to agree with the rest of the NO votes. Because it's live, it doesn't really have the polish we're looking for. Couple that with the fact that the arrangement is rather liberal, and you've got a song that doesn't really align with OCR's direction.

Good stuff, but unfortunately NO.

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