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omg, regardless if this gets accepted by the panel i'm so pleased by the results of this mix, for other songs that can be remixed that have a smooth calming ambience i would suggest the following: world map 3



twilight of rose

dragon killed in action


together in peace with you

peace between hills

grassy plains

(or if you're feeling ambitious enough to try a vocal mix) if you still believe

my ideas of soothing may be a bit diiferent than other people's, but all of them i would consider being a good mix is in there

Yeah those are all good songs.

Perhaps I will sit down and try to arrange something this weekend if I get the time.


Dude! I love the mix! I think it sounded better with my speakers then my earphones.

For another song to spark your interest, I would look towards anyof the ones that have been listed in this thread.

The top ones on my list I'd like to see remixed are-

-Royal Castle (has been requested a few times)

-Dart's Theme

-Twilight of Rose

-Lloyd's Theme

-Grassy Plains

-Hokes Village

-Ghost Ship

-Forbidden Land

-Silver Land

-Dead City

-Jeek's Theme

-Dragon Killed in Action

-Imperial Capital Kazas

-Death Frontier




Thanks for the cool comments... I'l keep working on it, balancing it out, and then might submit it if I can be bothered....hahahaha, when I asked what else would be nice, I thought people would only list like 2-3.... :P

I have started a new mix, it'l be a suprise


Oh Heavens above.

This is such torture on my little heart...! I can't listen to the new mix on this machine; I think I'm going to burst.

And I still can't get over my hopes for a "Royal Castle" mix-- my lack of technical skills be damned. I'm still sticking with my thought of either a single instrument, or an entire orchestra performing the piece, though I'm obviously open to hearing anything at all.

Much love and support to you all~ <3


OK.... I'm sorry....

I have failed...

Well I havnt failed, really... my vocalist has. They refuse to actually record anything or do anything. Sooo... I'm stuck with my instrumental part with no way to grow it until i get her voice. Sucks hey.

So I quit. Heres the mix so far.


I'l; be working on sound quality of World Map 2, submitting it when i'm happy with it. Any comments on it I should keep in mind?

OK.... I'm sorry....

I have failed...

Well I havnt failed, really... my vocalist has. They refuse to actually record anything or do anything. Sooo... I'm stuck with my instrumental part with no way to grow it until i get her voice. Sucks hey.

So I quit. Heres the mix so far.


I'l; be working on sound quality of World Map 2, submitting it when i'm happy with it. Any comments on it I should keep in mind?

Keep it up, cuz not many work on remixing LoD :(, and I don't have a remixing program. But I intend to do a mix some day lol

OK.... I'm sorry....

I have failed...

Well I havnt failed, really... my vocalist has. They refuse to actually record anything or do anything. Sooo... I'm stuck with my instrumental part with no way to grow it until i get her voice. Sucks hey.

So I quit. Heres the mix so far.


I'l; be working on sound quality of World Map 2, submitting it when i'm happy with it. Any comments on it I should keep in mind?

This new one, does need work, but I do like most of what I hear so far... I can't add any comments to the other one, myself, cause I seem to likes it a lot as it is.

I hear ya, HoboKa.

Even though I know that I said that GargeBand ain't worth salt, and to top it off I only really changed the instruments, and took out 'tracks' from the only midi I could find of Royal Castle... I got this-


I want to add more to it, but seeing as I lack the knowledge to do so...

And, Straziante, that was an interesting mix. Though I would of liked to hear a little less of the melody up-front and a little more of what was in the back, but I liked it none the less.


There's an OLD remix that I never really finished but you may enjoy it. There really should be more LoD remixes...

Thx man. It's not OC material but you hit each note relatively well and you've got the talent, do u post songs on this site often?

Er, I have a question...do I have to understand piano or guitar thoery (as in the notes, etc) in order to remix?


I've submitted three remixes, all of them receiving a NO vote. I was trying to do something different (as usual) with that mix and it never really came to fruition. I submitted two songs from Chrono Cross and one from TMNT2 but they weren't top quality, although I thought my last submission had a lot of potential that I just couldn't muster. Glad you like the remix.

Theory is very important because you want to make sure all your notes and rhythms fit together properly. You can't just throw down any old notes and chords and expect it to sound good. If you've the ear for it, you could feel something out. One of the most important things you'll need is patience, which I never had. Take your time. As far as we all know, OCR isn't going anywhere.

I've submitted three remixes, all of them receiving a NO vote. I was trying to do something different (as usual) with that mix and it never really came to fruition. I submitted two songs from Chrono Cross and one from TMNT2 but they weren't top quality, although I thought my last submission had a lot of potential that I just couldn't muster. Glad you like the remix.

Theory is very important because you want to make sure all your notes and rhythms fit together properly. You can't just throw down any old notes and chords and expect it to sound good. If you've the ear for it, you could feel something out. One of the most important things you'll need is patience, which I never had. Take your time. As far as we all know, OCR isn't going anywhere.

Ah thanks, I figured that there's a catch to making music...I USED to understand theory mildly...but it wasn't my favorite part when I played the piano and trumpet way back when. So I guess I shouldn't invest in a remixer program until I test it out eh :P...and yeah patience is a factor in anything that requires creativity, whether it be writing, drawing or music-making. I feel your pain, especially since I suffer from Learning Disabilities.

But to be honest with you ,I think that if you put in just a tich more effort into your music (and get a program that doesn't sound like a MIDI file), then you can definately make the cut here.

(Oh and can u make a .zip file of all your music u've made insofar and post it on this forum :D)


Ah thanks, I figured that there's a catch to making music...I USED to understand theory mildly...but it wasn't my favorite part when I played the piano and trumpet way back when. So I guess I shouldn't invest in a remixer program until I test it out eh :P...and yeah patience is a factor in anything that requires creativity, whether it be writing, drawing or music-making. I feel your pain, especially since I suffer from Learning Disabilities.

But to be honest with you ,I think that if you put in just a tich more effort into your music (and get a program that doesn't sound like a MIDI file), then you can definately make the cut here.

(Oh and can u make a .zip file of all your music u've made insofar and post it on this forum :D)


Oh, BTW what do u mean by OCR isn't going anywhere?? lol, I'm slow :P


People used to freak out about how OCR was going to shut down because David couldn't afford to keep the site up. But that was a LOOOONG time ago. I've been around these parts for a while lol

People used to freak out about how OCR was going to shut down because David couldn't afford to keep the site up. But that was a LOOOONG time ago. I've been around these parts for a while lol

oh ic...glad that didn't happen :S isn't there a chance of lawsuit though?


There isn't any chance of lawsuit for a few reasons. The site runs off of donations, not paying customers. Notice the site is ".org" and not ".com?" The site claims to be "unofficial" and unaffiliated with any of the actually games or companies. All original composers are given credit, and none of the remixes are copyrighted. I'm pretty sure if there was any illegal activity, namely copyright infringment, going on, OCR would've already been made aware.


The game itself was an FF7 rip-off. It was clearly made to capitalize on the success of FF7. I remember the battle system to be unique, though...had this Super Mario RPG-like timed button presses, yet it was A LOT more frustrating because you have to get the timing JUST right.

Yeah...I remember some of the music to be quite awesome. Even though I haven't played the game in YEARS, I remember the "battle music", "menu music", and "victory theme" quite well. Overall, there was this cool blend of techno, rock (keyboards), and ambient orchestrations.

There isn't any chance of lawsuit for a few reasons. The site runs off of donations, not paying customers. Notice the site is ".org" and not ".com?" The site claims to be "unofficial" and unaffiliated with any of the actually games or companies. All original composers are given credit, and none of the remixes are copyrighted. I'm pretty sure if there was any illegal activity, namely copyright infringment, going on, OCR would've already been made aware.

whew, that's comforting. Are you a lawyer by chance? :P

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