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OCR03738 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening "Mysterious Gold Edition"

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Original Instrumental: Awakening Mysterious Forest
Remixer Name(s):Rukunetsu, Detective Tuesday (Vocals/Sorprano Sax), Yusef Kelliebrew
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User ID: 39313(R) and 25682 (DT)
Game: The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening
Name of Arrangement: Mysterious Gold Edition
Name of Original Song: Mysterious Forest
Original Composer(s): Minako Hamano, Kozue Ishikawa
An enhanced mix of an instrumental made as a concept for the upcoming Zelda for the Wii-U (Before it had a proper name). DT's on the track AND the sax (talented dude I tells ya), along with Yusef Kelliebrew on the drums (those that overlay the ethnic sounding set).  Here's hoping the wordplay combined with the somewhat atmospheric mix turns out to be a pleasant listen for you all.


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/06/27 - Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 'MYSTERIOUS GOLD edition'

I'm not much of a connoisseur of free-verse rap, but this seems to be all there.  Production is clean; a little minimalistic but it fills the space nicely.  The soundscape does change things up as the piece progresses, in subtle but noticeable ways; a tad repetitive but not overly so.  Not much to say; it does what it's supposed to do, very effectively.


  • 3 weeks later...

A lil' splashy with the timing, but nothing that felt sloppy; definitely no performance problems or hiccups overall. The transitions at 3:24 & 3:47 were awkward; the backing ambiance shouldn't have stopped suddenly like that. The ending at 4:02 was also abrupt and somewhat atonal, but those are nitpicks of an otherwise creative and well-executed fusion of ambient, jazz, and rap. Very nice!


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/06/27 - (2Y) Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 'MYSTERIOUS GOLD edition'

The rapping is pretty slick, and as Liontamer suggests the backing does evolve and transform over time. I worry that the backing gets pretty darn muddy, though, with all of that heavy reverb and delay. The instruments (like the pizzacato strings) often sound mechanical and lacking in the TLC department.

It's a pretty tough call on my part, because I think this track gets it right where it counts (that rapping, and the clarity of it... even the part about New Jersey :P), but again, the mud and mess in the background. I think it passes, but I highly suggest toning down the reverb and delay next time around, so that the music doesn't sound so messy in the background.


  • 1 month later...

You seem to be the same Rukunetsu from whom I borrowed (rather, googled) some Run Saber art for a remix (I credited it with links tho!).  Ahem.  Anyways, not much to add other than this is pretty damn slick.  Rapping is on point, the arrangement is smooth and expansive without getting in the way of what should be front and center: the rapping and lyrics.  I didn't find the production to be muddy, rather feels moody, kinda like a rainy day in a cozy cafeteria with a hot cup of mocha.  I'm getting too abstract with this, but goes to show you got the mix to speak in ways other than just melodies and harmonies.


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/06/27 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening "Mysterious Gold Edition"
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