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Mega Man 4 Remix Project *RECRUITING*

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DJ SymBiotiX, I love the latest WIP. It's improved a great deal since the last version I listened to. Again, here's a little bit of point-format feedback / opinions:

-Piano in the introduction seems a bit mechanical to me.

-I'm not too fond of the snare at 1:03-1:09. It seems a bit too machine-gun-ish.

-I'm glad you've varied the synth bass a bit, and I like what you did with it at 2:45-onward. Still, a little more variation wouldn't hurt.

-Percussion seems to be a little too loud in the intro.

-The lead synth is lacking... something. I can't quite put my finger on what, though. Try changing it around a little more, and using different sounds in different sections of the song.

-I like the percussion from 2:30-2:44.

-The transition from 4/4 to 6/8 at 3:53 is jarring. I like this section though, reminds me of the soundtracks for Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean.

I'm really impressed with how this track is turning out. Keep up the good work.



Boss theme.


Password is "megaman4"

I plan on replacing that with live guitar when I figure out the notes.

Sorry man, but I don't really like anything in this one so far. It's way too repetitive, there is very little rearrangement, and the sounds you are using are utterly atrocious. If I were you, I'd really work on the arrangement before even starting on the guitar stuff.

By the way, I'd very much appreciate it if you used a different host. Having to enter a password, and then STILL wait for the download link is very annoying.


Sorry to have kept you waiting. My thoughts:

The initial synth feels rather "preset" somehow, like, it's not your creation, but you've found a synth you like... I do this a lot myself., I don't know why but it just doesn't feel right. Maybe it's because it makes that very obvious filter peak upon a new note...

The piano is alright. Yes, it sounds mechanical, but it feels kinda like it's intended. This happens alot in early 90's trance music.

The transition at 00:55 is abrupt but still works surprisingly well. Keep that crash cymbal fadeout going instead of cutting it off and it'll feel a lot smoother.

01:10-01:40 feels incredibly empty. Keep some hi-hats going, or something.

01:51- hi-hats for a snare? Ok, it actually works, but you need some other snare, too.

02:17- is pretty cool.

02:46- is actually pretty nice. The warbly thingy you got there is sweet, but the pasted-on-top saw wave really feels, well, pasted on top.

Interesting change at 3:55. I wouldn't mind if the whole mix was like this, to be honest, preferrably with some strings/choir/guitar crunch for extra yum. It really gives the song new life, and it feels very nostalgic at the same time. Like I said, interesting. Consider expanding this part.

Overall, this is very wip-ish. You need to work a lot more on it, which I'm sure you've realized yourself. There's a lot of dryness here. I know you wanted to get more comments on your arrangement, but last time, it was difficult to appreciate because I couldn't hear anything but the melody, and now I'm too bothered with production to really be able to listen to your arrangement. All I can really say about that is that you need to work more on your transitions.


haha thanks. Ok, yea I'm actually really bad at transitions, so I think that will be the next thing I shall work on.

Changed a bunch of stuff here. Changed some instruments in certain parts, changed arrangement here and there a little bit etc.

Hopefully the production is slightly better, but it probably isnt.

I added an ending... which I think really really sucks right now. Not sure what I can do with it, but well see.

Ive also been running out of ideas. I wanted to expand on the 6/8 part, but I dont know how yet <_<.

So check this out in the meantime.

DJ SymBiotiX - MM4 StageSelect Remix V5

EDIT: Didnt see your post before I worked on this I'll comment on some of your comments.

You: The transition at 00:55 is abrupt but still works surprisingly well. Keep that crash cymbal fadeout going instead of cutting it off and it'll feel a lot smoother.


You: 01:10-01:40 feels incredibly empty. Keep some hi-hats going, or something.

Me: Personally I like this, it gives a feeling of ambience and such. I changed the pads in this part for this version, maybe you will like it more.

You: 01:51- hi-hats for a snare? Ok, it actually works, but you need some other snare, too.

Me: Perhaps :D I'll see what I can doo.

You: 02:17- is pretty cool.

Me: Agree'd :D

You: 02:46- is actually pretty nice. The warbly thingy you got there is sweet, but the pasted-on-top saw wave really feels, well, pasted on top.

Me: I'm pretty sure there isnt a saw wave at that transition, if the transition is what you are talking about.

You: Interesting change at 3:55. I wouldn't mind if the whole mix was like this, to be honest, preferrably with some strings/choir/guitar crunch for extra yum. It really gives the song new life, and it feels very nostalgic at the same time. Like I said, interesting. Consider expanding this part.

Me: I'll try XD

  • 3 weeks later...

*sigh*... ok so heres the deal at the moment.

So lately ive been really busy. So i havent been able to work on it. I opened it up today to try to do something, but for some reason I just couldnt do anything <_<. I did do one thing. Right before the 6/8 part I bit crush everything and lead into a recording of the actual NES song which I sampled from the actual game. Then I bit crush back in to the 6/8 part. Though the tranitions are ass... I think I need somebody to help me with transitions :(


You know, I feel kinda the same way with this project. Time's almost up and I know I won't be able to finish my song before the deadline. It's probably best for this project to go sleepy until the other projects finish up, because there's no point in having a project that no one wants to join (not even the noobs).

You know, I feel kinda the same way with this project. Time's almost up and I know I won't be able to finish my song before the deadline. It's probably best for this project to go sleepy until the other projects finish up, because there's no point in having a project that no one wants to join (not even the noobs).

I would like to join this project, but my remixing quality sucks and I want this is a high quality project. I did a MM4 songs (Cossack 3+4) for the Ormgas Project, also not active, with another remixer which is only registered at Ormgas.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


Anyways.. my critique on this song. I like the style, its really cool. Alot of the sounds could use some work, they just sound pretty basic... or maybe its that the song is WAY too loud, I would assume its hard limited like a bastard (see what I did there :P). haha but yea, I like where this is going. Keep at it.

Anyways, ive been really busy with like 50 million other projects, but I swer I'll get back to my song very very soon (within the next month). Then I'll come back and be like "BAM!! RIGHT IN THE KISSER!!" and you'll be like "WHOAH!" :P.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

GAH! WHY OH WHY did this Remix Project have to die ;_; It's so sad that people don't realize how amazingly awesome MM4's OST is. Seriously... someone needs to just do the entire soundtrack in metal form, or whatever form. Period. Dive Man's song is incredible! And Drill Man and Pharoah Man... AHHH there's just too many, THEY'RE ALL GOOD! It's so frustrating to see something like this not show any support. -_-


Yeah... well... some of the tracks are finished, and some are nearly finished. Some are sort of metal-ish. The biggest bummer, I think, is that GaMeBoX (who started the project) dropped out. He's been making this game that ended up second place in Microsoft's XNA game contest, so he's running a game development company now... hehehe.

  • 1 month later...

well looks like they moved all the projects to this forum. I know this one has almost been given up on, but once I'm done school (2 weeks) I'll have so much time to work on stuff, and I'll def get my entry done :D.. seriously... for reals this time :P


Anyone is free to work on their stuff, join, etc. This project is put on hold - that means I won't actively do anything or yell on anyone for not doing anything. If anyone does anything, that just makes me happy. It'd be nice to see something from you, DJ. I haven't given up on this... yet.

  • 1 month later...
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