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Hey everyone!

So I'm a puppeteer, artist, novice composer and animator. Christmas is just around the corner and I had an idea for a stop motion animation based around one of the most underrated Rare games of all time: Grabbed By The Ghoulies. With a soundtrack by Grant Kirkhope:



The idea came to me when I was thinking of simple animations. I remember a while back they had Ron Swanson doing the "Yule Log" so I though doing a claymation of the game's final boss Baron Von Ghoul in a similar thing but call it the "Ghoul Log" accompanied by a compilation of the games best tunes arranged in the style of classic Christmas music. Its utterly bizarre and I personally think it would be hilarious to hear these halloween style tunes in such a merry way!

The idea is to take these minor key songs and turn them upside down into a major key, sligh bell cacophony.

Christmas music can vary in different styles. from orchestral, to pop, rock etc. So I encourage creative freedom. Not just instrumental but we could do some lyrical work too!

I was wondering If anyone would want to collab on this? I can do all the album artwork, and obviously a stop motion with it too! I compose a tad of music too (NOTHING GOOD) so I can help with some musical ideas. I do write lyrics too.

Some Ideas I had are:

an orchestral overture medley, in the style of those Rankin Bass main title sequences of the Grabbed By The Ghoulies main theme

The Ballroom Disco in the Style of Jingle Bell Rock

The final boss fight (Red Baron 1 and 2) arranged in a lyrical song in the style of Snoopy's Christmas by the Royal Guardsman.

Here are the best tracks in my opinion:

The Main Theme

Pause/File Select

Skeleton Battle

Haunted Coat

Zombie Pirates

Ballroom Disco

Criven's Quarters

Red Baron 1+2

I think 8 tracks is plenty but I'm open to any changes.

Ideally I'd like to get this done for Christmas. Its a strange concept but I think it would be awesome and hilarious!

Anyone interested? Feel free to ask any questions!





Hey Ronald Poe! I'm glad you like the idea! I've actually watched a behind the scenes of Nightmare recently to get new techniques. I'm going for the look of those Rankin/Bass Christmas Specials (Rudolph, The Year Without a Santa Claus etc.)

I don't have any of these anymore unfortunately and pity I never used them in a video but here is an example of my creation skills. This was from YEARS ago, and have improved greatly since then.:


I'm doing some concept sketches but I'm going to make the Baron kinda resemble Fred Astaire in Santa Claus is Coming To Town.

But yeah if you could help with this, that would be splendid! I'm a huge Rare buff and the characters are so easy to make into puppets and figures. Even if its just sharing this around to get exposure that would be great!

There has ALWAYS been Christmas songs twisted into a scary minor key, but you rarely see the opposite. Hopefully we can change that!



Ha! yes THAT IS the mighty poo from conker. I unfortunately don't have it anymore, but I remember he was going to be like Sam the Snowman from Rudolph.

As far as mixing two different games, I was kinda hoping it would stick to just the Ghoulies score ALTHOUGH I was totally open to having other tunes from Rare games in there too. Banjo Kazooie, Tooie, Conker, Jet Force Gemini, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct, Etc. I'm basically trying to keep this Rare only, although I am open to it if its MOSTLY Macabre Music Box.

By the way here is the concept drawings of the character puppets:


An imp dressed as Fred Astaire's character from Santa Claus is Coming to Town (Left) and Baron Von Ghoul (right)



Keep spreading the word, hopefully we can get enough people for this. Its a twisted idea insane enough to be pulled off. and FYI the bulk of the animation I can get done ahead of time considering there's no lip sync. Its literally the Baron sitting down listening to the album by his (probably haunted) fireplace. I DID have the idea of using the Orchestra holiday overture medley (if anyone claims that) for an opening title sequence with the imp. Basically he's turning the pages of a big book, and each page has the artist and track they worked on.



I got a remix for the project or at least a demo. It combines "Macabre Music Box" (Grabbed by The Ghoulies) and "Humilation" (Killer Instinct) into something festive. I was thinking maybe the section with the piece could have some of the monsters wearing Christmas sweaters, lol. Here's a link for you to judge. Also sorry about the high notes. 


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