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  • Game arranged - Quake
  • Name of arrangement - Slipgate
  • Name of song arranged - Quake Theme
  • Misc sounds used: Screams from original track, Quad Damage power up sound
  • Additional information - Composed by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, game on DOS/Windows PC
  • Link to the original - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv5Jvr2Fp48
  • Your own comments - I wanted to take the iconic grungy-industrial soundtrack of Quake and put a modern metal spin on it, with more upfront chugging electric guitar and acoustic drums, while still retaining the dark atmosphere that the soundtrack is known for. I achieved the classic NIN guitar sound in the intro and interlude by removing the guitar cabinet from the equation, leaving the raw amp tone unmolded by the specific frequency shaping that cabinet speakers are known for. 

This sounds fantastic, and it's straight up whether or not it's too far from the source at times. Had to do a few listens through and A-B to get a feel of how you adjusted things, but I think there's enough of the melodies throughout that this stays recognizable. Quality work here, love the chugs and the overall dark and depressive feel this has. 


  • 2 months later...

The quality is way up there, I don't have any complaints on technical merits.  Production is good, performance is good, arrangement is enjoyable, source usage in the first half is easily dominant with just a short entirely original section... but let's talk about the second half.

In the original, only the first minute or so is what most people would consider "music."  The next four minutes (about 80%) have a few isolated notes but are mostly sound effects and other ambiance.

In this arrangement, the ambient section is from 2:00 to 4:20, just over half the length of the piece.  There aren't any notes or rhythm in it at all.

So my question is, can you "remix" a source that isn't really music by supplying and arranging your own sounds that also aren't music?  It's debatable at best, and I'd argue against it.  The remix is even less music-like than the source, although this is the case for only just over half the arrangement.

I'm leaning towards passing this--the first almost-half of it (46%) is great, and the second over-half of it is clearly evocative of and in the same style as the source.  It stretches the definition of some of our standards, but I think it's consistent with their spirit.  I'll definitely read others' comments and could change my mind, but I'll go with a


  • 5 months later...

Yep this is pretty good.  Fairly close to the source though, Trent's scream of agony included and all, but the rhythmic changes on the guitars and the more developed drums take the original to a different, more modern-sounding path.  Still, I wish you didn't follow the structure of the original, even going with the completely atmospheric last section.  Some of the arrangement choices remind me of Mick Gordon's Doom OST, with the heavy, coordinated drum hits and guitar chugs.  

Again, I wish the last section was something else, that would've made this remix more unique (and interesting) but I can't say it doesn't belong in the front page because it's not perfect.  It's a pretty good remix that it's sure to please the fans of the original theme.


  • Sir_NutS changed the title to 2017/12/13 - (3Y) Quake 'Slipgate'

I'm pretty much with Sir Nuts vote on this one.  Nice, crunchy guitar used here.  Pretty loud mix, but the elements all have space enough to be heard.  Really nicely sequenced drums (though the snare was a bit clicky when it's lower end gets obscured in the busier sections.  I concur that some more differentiation between this and the original would be nice, but I feel like there's still a lot of personalization in the writing & atmosphere of this one.


  • Liontamer changed the title to (2017/12/13) *YES - TAG* Quake "Slipgate"
  • Liontamer locked this topic
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