djpretzel Posted June 2, 2002 Posted June 2, 2002 Hey Pretzel and OC Judges, I don't know if you remember from my ahem..Roger Rabbit remix(which I abandoned) well I've got a new one. I'm sure its better than the Roger Rabbit one...Lets just forget it ever happened. Well here is the Info on the Song : Game : Final Fantasy 5 Original Composer : Nobuo Uematsu Remixer : Gman Well that's all hope you like the mix. And if You/the judges don't recognize the song from anywhere in the game, the title of the song is nostalgia. Thanks Gman
orkybash Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 This is one song I never expected to be remixed, but I think it's remixed well here. My only complaints are the samples, specifically the tinny string-like sound that starts it off and runs throughout the mix. But I think overall it gets a "yes" frpom me. BTW, don't ever forget the rabbit one. We all make mixes that don't turn out as well as we would have hoped. I personally made an all-strings arrangement of Castle Baron that was universally hated. But what's the better thing to do - forget it happened, or learn from it?
Malcos Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 I recognise that string sound, it's from a fruity plug-in. I like the string sounds, but it could have used just a touch of reverb. Nice arrangement, I like the way that all the different elements of the song bind together nicely. I like the ending, with that phase effect. Or is that a flanger? Yes.
Saunders Posted June 4, 2002 Posted June 4, 2002 Oh, I believe that's the "Plucked" plugin for Fruity, Malcos. Nothing overly remarkable, basic "techno" stuff, the panning is well used, percussion is pretty good too. Not a fan of the samples, especially the sample that starts at ~1:40, and I don't care for the way it ends either. Unfortunately, I really don't like the samples, and I think that with some better samples this could be a great mix. Gotta change up the Plucked plugin for something better, and the high/med strings throughout most of the mix could sound a lot better. And that flute(?) has gotta go. Sorry, but No. Some sample switching will make this mix a ton better.
Antonio Pizza Posted June 5, 2002 Posted June 5, 2002 I was all set, ready to reply and ask rob1 what the hell he was talking about. I was about to chew him out and say "What do you mean 'new samples'?" That's when the flute started. Sorry rob1... Gman, this is much better than the Roger Rabbit mix. But like orky said, never forget it. It keeps you humble. Plus it was good practice. I like this arrangement. I've never played FFV, so hearing the theme brand new in techno fashion also has a great deal to do with it. However...that flute sample? Gotta go. The strings sound fine to me. But the flute I grit my teeth everytime it comes in. That's not me being a cynical asshole. That's an accurate automatic response. I'm really gritting my teeth. Try to find a smoother flute sample. Not only is the current one too choppy, but it's flat sounding (although I don't know if there's much you can really do to help that, short of sampling a real flute yourself) You might also want to add a steady bassline from 0:48 - 1:28 and again from 2:09 - 2:36 to give your mix a little more depth. For now, I'm gonna have to say no.
djpretzel Posted June 23, 2002 Author Posted June 23, 2002 I'm gonna tie break on this one since it's been here awhile and say no myself, primarily due to the reasons listed above i.e. flute.
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