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OCR03821 - *YES* Yie Ar Kung-Fu (NES) "Kung-Fu Step" *RESUB*

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Maksim Ezavskih


name of game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu
name of track - "Kung-Fu Step"
Konami, 1985, Miki Higashino


Well, it all happened spontaneously. I've been enjoying the music from the OC ReMix community for 8 years. I was fond of this game in my childhood because it was one of the first game that i played. I have never heard remixes on this melody, so i decided to make a contribution. I found it interesting to transpose this music in dub step style, which is in trend today. I had a CD with samples from Vengeance that I used to write the track. I didn't suspect that it would come out so fancy. I hope you enjoy it!

(New Comments)

It's been about 5 years since my last message.
In the end, I found the time, and the most important is inspiration to finish the work on the track. I tried not only to extend the track time but also to diversify the structure of the track. I hope this time everything is going to be all right about track.

I set the goal to be in the ranks of OCREMIX ;)




This is definitely different. Ironically, this was submit way back when Dubstep was a new thing, and he came back over five years later to complete the track when it now feels like a callback (it was too short upon initial submission). I've got to hand it to him to come back to this one, he did a great job on it overall.

There's quite a bit going for this one, to start with. The production values are very high, first and foremost, and the dubstep hits you hard (in a good way). The FX used throughout are all well implimented, as is the use of space overall in this. The use of space in particular does a great job keeping things clean.

The arrangement of the source is... interesting. The source implementation gets pretty stale over the three minutes that it's present, as that main hook plays almost unaltered over a changing background. It isn't bad, per se, but it could've used a little variation without losing the spirit of the arrangement, just to keep it interesting. Other than that minor complaint, I'd have to say the source is pretty well represented throughout, and when it's not the main portion the source is handled in a variety of ways, from being the foreground to accompanying original content in the background.

I'm glad to see you come back to this one - I think you'll make a fine addition to OCR's roster!


  • Gario changed the title to 2018/08/31 - (1Y) Yie Ar Kung Fu "Kung-Fu Step"
  • Liontamer pinned this topic

The track was 3:24-long, so I needed to hear the source tune used for at least 111 seconds for the source tune to dominate the arrangement:

:00-1:07.25, 1:41-2:18.75, 2:41-3:10.5 = 134.5 seconds or 60.58% source usage

Just timing out the source usage so I know I'm not being swayed by the production.

Never heard the first version, since it wasn't inboxed by me, so I'm coming in fresh. The main melody synths (:14) were pretty vanilla, so I didn't like the lead, but that was more of a personal taste thing. The track was produced in a way that filled out the soundscape well despite the lead.

That said this was a very creative, varied and expansive take on the theme. Along with good original writing transitions that fit together with the arrangement sections, you did a great job changing up the textures, instrumentation, and even the volume of the source theme usage to vary up the presentation.

No matter what the first version sounded like 5+ years ago, the growth you've demonstrated here is clear. Nice work, and great job keeping this concept alive and better realizing its potential. Welcome aboard, Maksim!


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2018/08/31 - (2Y) Yie Ar Kung-Fu (NES) "Kung-Fu Step"
  • 2 weeks later...

Hits full force on the first note. Lots of varied sounds, growls and sfx, although the first minute does become slightly repetitive by the time we hit 0:50. The following break certainly helps with bringing in much needed variation. The change of pacing here is great as well. 1:45 we break again with ‘lil spacey build-up, and back into the main growly hook. 2:19 again departs from the main progression dialling back layers and introducing elements back in slowly for a final build-up. 3:11 picks up the pacing to take us out, which appears to abruptly end on the final second. What you have here is done well, and while each section isn’t as varied as I would’ve expected for this style of music (with some elements being reused a bit too much), you do have a lot of arrangement variation which makes up for it. I think the drums hit well and you don’t overcrowd the sonic space too much with additional elements. The abrupt ending didn’t feel right though, it initially felt like a mistake in rendering or my download didn’t finish properly. Overall a nice take on the original.


  • 2 weeks later...

Not much to add to what's been already said.  You don't hear as much straight dubstep like this anymore, so it's cool to hear something that was started years ago, but just now getting submitted.  Source connections are very clear and well integrated into the genre change.

I was a bit worried about production quality at the initial onset with the drum sound choices, but they quickly resolve into the main beat, which is nice and crisp.  Overall production sounds pretty solid.  The song progression keeps it interesting - I especially liked the decision to go double-time @ 3:00, but was equally disappointed in how it was cut short with the sudden ending.  It sounds like it's either unfinished, or leads straight to another track on an album.  I have to ask if the ending is 100% intentional or if something got cut off.  Regardless:


  • Liontamer changed the title to (2018/08/31) *YES - TAG* Yie Ar Kung-Fu (NES) "Kung-Fu Step"
  • Liontamer locked and unpinned this topic
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