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*NO* Octopath Traveller 'Octotronic Altercation'

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ReMixer Name: Sera
Real Name: Nick Puccia
email address: 
UserID: 35428
Name of game: Octopath Traveler
Name of arrangement: Octotronic Altercation
Name of songs arranged: Battle I
Composer: Yasunori Nishiki
System: Nintendo Switch

Well, honestly I think this sounds great - the production values on this are pretty high, and there are some neat textures in the background that add some flavor to an otherwise already exciting battle track. 

There are two issues that make this problematic for OCR, though. first, despite the change from orchestral to chiptronic, it does still sound identical to the source. I acknowledge the small arpeggios in the textures that try to help this stand out, but the tempo, the structure, the... well, everything else is note-for-note the same as the source. I'm going to call this one too conservative for OCR. The second issue is that this track uses an exact repeat in order to pad half of it's length - this is essentially a 1:30 song that's padded out to a 3:00 track.

For what it's worth I still think it sounds really cool, but I don't think I can justify posting it on OCR since it doesn't really fit the site mission statement of interpretive arrangements.



It's a cool idea, but as pointed out, it's too conservative for OCR.  It plays the original beat for beat down to the structure, and ending in a fadeout is not helping this feel like it's not a palette swap from the original.  The adaptation sounds pretty cool ngl, but it needs more on the arrangement side to make it past the bar.


  • Sir_NutS changed the title to 2018/07/11 - *DON'T MOVE* (2N) Octopath Traveller 'Octotronic Altercation'

2. Your arrangement must be substantial and original.

  • Submissions must be different enough from the source material to clearly illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. Acceptable arrangement often involves more than one of the following techniques:
  • Modifying the genre, chord progression, instrumentation, rhythms, dynamics, tempo, or overall composition of the source material
  • Adding original solos, transitions, harmonies, counter-melodies, lyrics, or vocals to the source material

And that's basically the name of the game. This plays it much too close to the vest, arrangement-wise. The mixing also wasn't sharp and ideal; IMO, while your leads sound good, the backing parts seem obscured and the overall sound was needlessly distant.

This would work very well in the actual game, much like hearing 8-bit versions of NieR: Automata's themes, but the level of interpretation and personalization doesn't stand apart enough from the original piece to pass as an OC ReMix. Still an excellent chippy cover, and it doesn't need to be an OC ReMix to find a lot of happy fans.

Nice work here, Nick. It just happens to fall outside of our arrangement/interpretation standards due to how conservative the adaptation is.


  • Gario changed the title to 2018/07/11 - (3N) Octopath Traveller 'Octotronic Altercation'
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