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*NO* Legend of Zelda 'Main Theme (Deffo Deffo Mix)'

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Posted (edited)
Hello again, OCR Judges Panel!
Let's try with a Legend of Zelda remix. The Main Theme! ;)
Link to the file:
Contact Information:
ReMixer name: Glejs
Real name: Glenn Liljestrand
User ID: 34608
Submission Information:
Name of game arranged: Legend of Zelda
Name of arrangement: Main Theme (Deffo Deffo Remix)
Name of individual song arranged: Main Theme
My own comments and info: First of all, this must be one of the most recognized and played videogame music tracks out there.. But I guess these melody lines are legendary, everyone will love them forever.
Initially, I started laying out some ideas for a Legend of Zelda Main Theme remix a few months ago already. But it's been on ice since then, because of the Skies of Arcadia OCR remix project and other things. Last weekend something happened. It was a long time ago I finished (and felt great about the result) a track so quickly!
My remix is a rather easy going, summery mood kind of piece. You have some filter sweeps and a steady dance beat. I put in some grit in the groovy bass mid section, and slowly move everything back into the main melodies of the game. I'm really satisfied with this one. Mastering, mixing and arrangement. Hope you'll find it fitting for the OCR family.
All the best,
Glejs (pronounced "Glaze")
Edited by Rexy
  • Liontamer changed the title to 2018/08/09 - Legend of Zelda 'Main Theme (Deffo Deffo Mix)'
  • 1 month later...

Starts off a little slow, with some subtle use of the main theme for almost a minute, but it gets there.  It has a nice groove and beat and takes the familiar theme to some fun places.

Synths are a little vanilla and don't vary a whole lot; they did start to get old after a while.  In particular, the breakdown from 1:25-2:28 is far too long, with its quiet "leads" and static composition.  I've been listening to it on a loop for a while, and when it gets to that middle section I can't help but wish it would hurry up and get through it.

Also, the monotonous bass line and limited lead selection are really bringing this down overall.  It also doesn't help that the main theme loops starting at 0:47, 2:46, and 3:24 are largely similar to each other, with only some small variation in harmonies and a few small riffs.  The wind-down and breakdown also have a lot in common.

I have mixed feelings about this one--I do enjoy a lot of it, but overall I think it's too simple and static.  Vary things up some more in terms of instrumentation and soundscape, especially if you can add some more complex synths, and I think this will be gold.  Right now, however, I'm leaning towards

NO (resubmit)


Really dug the original intro; great fade in and a nice, rich sound. Beats at :31 felt underwhelming though, so I'm hoping it goes somewhere else. OK, cool layering and countermelodic stuff from the source tune at :46. This is playing things by the numbers in terms of being a straightforward genre adaptation, but we'll see where it goes.

Back to the cool original writing at 1:25, followed by another new original section from 1:41-2:24. The way the beat here had almost a semi-stuttering type cadence seemed to interrupt the flow of the track, IMO.

By this time, the track was also starting to feel sluggish. Played a little with some different ideas via a dropoff before renewing the theme at 2:46, which essentially sounded like a cut-and-paste of :46's section. This track needed to develop or vary more significantly, otherwise it doesn't really justify the length. Then 4:03 was basically and cut-and-paste of 1:25's section before winding it down for the finish.

The tempo dragged on after the halfway point; more instrumental textural variation would help this not get too stale, especially if you don't intend to vary the writing itself, though I'd recommend that too. MindWanderer's correct in that it's ultimately a very static presentation.

Good start here, Glenn, with tons of potential, but please vary this up further. Production-wise, this was nicely mixed and balanced, so props for a great job there.

NO (resubmit)

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2018/08/09 - (2N) Legend of Zelda 'Main Theme (Deffo Deffo Mix)'

I can identify that summer feel, going for 909-sounding drums and some engaging low pass filter sweep at the start.  Source presence is there, though not entirely note for note thanks to two beats of additional writing at both 1:16 and 1:24.  The section at 1:41 sounded fun, bringing the countermelody in for some rhythmic changeups and added harmonies.

Despite this, the interpretation of the source tune itself is minimal at best.  In all three parts that the source is present, there's just the bass, melody and countermelody.  While the bass has a summer dance vibe rather than the source's gallops, there needed to be more subtractive arrangement if sections like that are to stick around.  Talking of which, if you're going to copy-paste the 0:46 variant at 3:24, the duplicate would need more new layers and/or further interpretation so that it could stand out.

The instruments themselves all sound clear and well presented, but despite all the subtle effects in play, the synth timbres themselves outstay their welcome too soon.  There are no new textures after that first main theme variant, and when matched up with the minimal arrangement and sparse soundscape, it all contributes to a stale sounding track.  Consider going over your synth patches (or generate new ones) and layering some on top of one another.  It'll be nice to hear something more unique.

Glenn, it's a promising and enjoyable tune, so thank you for sharing it with us.  As of right now, the bland soundscape and barebones arrangement are holding it back, and it'll be nice to hear another version with these problems addressed.

NO (resubmit)

  • Rexy changed the title to *NO* Legend of Zelda 'Main Theme (Deffo Deffo Mix)'
  • Rexy locked this topic
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