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OCR04183 - *YES* Super 3D Noah's Ark "For Sacrifice"

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  • Super 3D Noah’s Ark
  • “For Sacrifice”
  • Boss Theme
  • System: SNES, Developer/Publisher: Wisdom Tree, Composer: Vance Kozik 
  • Original: 
  • Mics on drums. Guitars and bass are DI, amp-sim'ed with LePou LeGion, Lancaster Pulse, and Audiffex GK Amp 2 LE. Originally done for Dwelling of Duels‘ December 2019 “1994” competition. Wisdom Tree just got evil.
  • 2 months later...

this game is without question one of the funniest game dev stories i've ever heard. the idea that Wisdom Tree was going to do a Hellraiser game is by itself so silly, and the actual story/gameplay of S3NA is equally silly. wolfenstein means carl the camel, with sleeper watermelons. like what?

the intro is so huge, i love it. guitars and bass sound great throughout, meaty without being cheesy or feeling fake. the drums are solid and do a good job of keeping it moving without allowing what's ultimately a slower song to drag. the super-lowered vox are a funny adaptation of the 'original' (as in, the Bible) that isn't too obnoxious.

in terms of arrangement, the original doesn't have much at all beyond the initial riff represented in the guitar chugs and a bit of sustained lines up higher. this track does a nice job with expanding what's there in a stylistically interesting way without ever getting very far from the original. i wouldn't say that there's a lot of exploration here, but what is here is enough, and there's a clear progression throughout the song that continues to add energy and build towards a solid ending.

this sounds great. i look forward to seeing dave's writeup on this one =)




  • prophetik music changed the title to 2020/03/23 - (1Y) Super 3D Noah's Ark "For Sacrifice"

I'm afraid I have to disagree with Brad regarding the level of exploration.  Given the amount on display, that aspect needs a lot more credit.  Adapting the straight-forward bass to more developed rhythm chugs is one thing, that's for sure.  But so is bringing the drum progression into half-time (quarter in the intro), working with different textures and chord modulations to separate it from the original structure, adding counter-melodies to the A section at 1:12, and further development on B at 2:34 with grace notes and harmonies.  That's a lot packed in for something so minimal, and that's cool all on its own.

The only writing concern I had was dynamic shaping being so minimal with little room to take a breather, but the spoken word section at 1:43 and varied drum writing throughout helped shape the overall progression.

You got a cool aesthetic down, too - very roomy, with tasteful reverb on your drums for that more spacious stage feel.  All your instruments (and voice) got recorded tight and cleanly, and the parts all feel identifiable in the mix.  However, your lead for the B sections - mainly your first at 1:53 - could've done with a volume boost as it carries more of the melodic focus than the chugs at that point.  It's not a dealbreaker as said chugs lift the sound design just as well as the source progression, so it's more like something to think over.

Even with one or two flaws, it does enough to get over the bar, onto the front page, and straight onto Dave's eager mind.  I should fetch some popcorn for the writeup!


  • Rexy changed the title to 2020/03/23 - (2Y) Super 3D Noah's Ark "For Sacrifice"

Good to see this niche game get the attention it deserves. Guitars are played well. A fairly rhythm heavy piece with some nice chugs and wails. Arrangement is ok but could have been expanded further. Some parts are repeated a little too much. The mixing is also a little crowded, parts could do with some more separation, both they’re not terrible. There were also some missed opportunities here for a solo which would have fit in well (at 1:54 for example). That said, as humans, we’re not perfect. At 1:44 we get a vocal sample sending the message of sacrifice (that’s likely gone into making this piece). We should count ourselves blessed, as we are delivered this gift from the heavens.


  • Jivemaster changed the title to 2020/03/23 - (3Y) Super 3D Noah's Ark "For Sacrifice"
  • 2 weeks later...

Wow this is huge!  I agree with my fellow Js that this arrangement doesn't move too far from the original, but the stylistic flares added are wonderful.  Really well performed.  Wow that's a big snare!  The vox are great.  I know nothing about this game so I look forward to Dave's writeup on this, but the mix itself is good to go.


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2020/03/23 - *YES - NEED WAV, 192kbps or VBR1* Super 3D Noah's Ark "For Sacrifice"
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04183 - *YES* Super 3D Noah's Ark "For Sacrifice"
  • Rexy locked this topic
  • Liontamer pinned this topic
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