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*NO* Terranigma "The Dandelion's Flight"

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  • 1 month later...

Gentle opening. Harp was a nice touch. Strings play the main theme as things begin to build up to 0:35, at which point things instead break down and become gentler, as the pace increases. The violin takes on lead duties from here shortly after. While the overall track is slower paced, the theme is played much faster than the original which provides a nice contrast to the original piece. At 1:36 the pace begins to wind back down. The pace changes across the arrangement are transitioned well. The piece while quite minimal keeps interest. Production wise, things could certainly be louder without dynamics getting crushed, given that the instrumentation is quite minimal. I'd be happy for a louder version if that's possible, but it's not essential. I hoped this could go on a bit longer to explore the theme in more ways, however I think it does enough.


  • Jivemaster changed the title to 2020/05/21 - (1Y) Terranigma "The Dandelion's Flight"

As usual, Rebecca, you've picked some lovely sounding instrumentation with more of an emphasis on percussion than anything else - something that brings out your raw strength when humanizing those parts.  I'm not a fan of the sound of your violin VST, but on the plus side, you've given it some volume shaping, so it feels a lot better programmed than what I usually hear from you. There's no part bleeding into another one, which makes a lot of sense with the minimalist audio setup - but I'm with Joel regarding the quiet master.  It peaks at -3.5dB during the intro and then doesn't even go above -6dB since.  The delicate instrumentation does justify the volume levels here, but it's also one I'd prefer some normalization for at least.

The writing has a pleasant framework to it - a steady intro into some motif development with variations.  Yet, this source doesn't have a lot to work with - the slow fade intro, the four notes of bass, four bars of the same harp pattern, and some string harmonies.  So it made sense to cover the source straight for the first 35 seconds, complete with graceful slowdown throughout to prepare for any transformation happening.  However, what I heard after that wasn't so much transformation, but more like entirely original content.  I went through the track so many times, trying to find any instrument phrase that sounded anything like any of the source components that I mentioned - but ultimately, I found nothing at worst and too many liberties taken at best.  Rebecca, you've handled short sources before, so I'm sure you can find spots throughout your arrangement to make BGM use much clearer.

It's a pretty track in a vacuum, shaped and produced well to capture that idea of floating petals in the wind.  But I can't pass it if I don't hear enough overt source material.  Maybe my fellow judges could prove me wrong with their breakdowns, but for now, I can't see this on the site unless the BGM quota gets addressed.  You've got this.

NO (resubmit)

  • Rexy changed the title to 2020/05/21 - (1Y/1N) Terranigma "The Dandelion's Flight"
  • Rexy pinned this topic
  • DragonAvenger changed the title to 2020/05/21 - (1Y/2N) Terranigma "The Dandelion's Flight"

i'm going to stamp this one as well. the chord progression after 0:35 isn't even from the original, let alone the melodic content or background. it's a beautifully scored track for at least the first two thirds, delicate and a lot of tempo nuance and volumization which is nice, but there just isn't near enough source. there's also a few uncanny-valley issues around 1:55 in the exposed voices that continues to the end of the track - those parts just need more support than what's there. it's also way, way quiet, much quieter than a 3.5db peak implies.




  • prophetik music changed the title to 2020/05/21 - (1Y/3N) Terranigma "The Dandelion's Flight"
  • 2 months later...
  • Emunator changed the title to *NO* Terranigma "The Dandelion's Flight"
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