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OCR judges,

Hi Everyone! Hope you are all well. I am submitting my entry from the BadAss: Paragons+Renegades so it may be an “official” OC Remix.

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I hope it isn't too medley-y for the panel. I started this arrangement when the BadAss folks were recruiting and I was originally going to stick with "First Steps" only. But There are so many good songs on the OST that I couldn't help but add a few more. In fact, I really wanted to squeeze in "Starjump" but I couldn't make it make sense in the song. Anyway, I ended up with this six minute monster and it didn't need to be longer. In the end I hope that this arrangement takes the listener on a similar journey that Madeline experiences in-game.
Here's my blurb from the album:
Celeste was my favorite game of 2018 and I knew I had to make an arrangement of at least one of the songs in the amazing soundtrack. So when I saw a new BadAss album in the works, I took the opportunity! This was a tough one for me. I wanted to make a rock arrangement while keeping to the source enough to make it obvious that Madeline is the BadAss in question while at the same time changing things up so it’s not just a cover. So I smashed together "First Steps," "Resurrections," "Scattered and Lost," and "Confronting Myself" into a guitar/organ slightly proggy rock thing. I hope you enjoy the result!
Matt Magurany





I can fully sympathize with your difficulty keeping a Celeste remix to just one source - the songs all weave together so easily that it's hard not to turn every arrangement into a full-blown medley! I personally think your arrangement is all the stronger for it though, keeping things fresh and dynamic over the course of 6 minutes. The mixing is loud, but thankfully nothing gets lost in the sauce at any point and all of your instruments come through clean. The Scattered and Lost breakdown provides a bit of a reprieve before jumping back into full force with some of the heaviest metal riffs I've heard in recent memory on the panel! 

My only nit, and it's a VERY small one, is the artifact at 1:35 when the song cuts to silence, there's a slight echo from the guitar that sounds awkward. I'm not going to go conditional on it, but if that could be ironed out before posting, that would be much appreciated!



  • Emunator changed the title to 2020/12/05 - (1Y) Celeste "Part of Me"
  • 5 months later...

a quick intro leads into the first source track. the band sound is solid and i like the organ work. there's good variety in the groove and it's well-performed. clear transition at 1:25 into the next track, and again it's well-handled. i like the technical approach to the melodic content. the breakdown at 2:33 and subsequent slow build is great. especially around 4:00 i really started to groove with it. the last track at about 4:25 doesn't even really sound like a new track, it's just natural progression. the last minute's octave melodic parts are just great. ending was a tiny bit weak after such aggressive riffs but it's not a problem.

i'm really impressed. never lost the melody, never thought the approach was overly cover-ish or too disparate from the original, and the band sounds great. excellent job. easy vote.




  • prophetik music changed the title to 2020/12/05 - (2Y) Celeste "Part of Me"
  • 3 weeks later...

OH HELLO THERE. Not really an intro, per se, just kinda... throws you right into the action.

When I was a kid we used to wake up in the summer at 6:30AM and jump into a freezing cold local pool at 7:00AM for swim practice, and this kinda feels like that, right at the beginning - no ceremony, no build, just trial by fire. Would I have preferred *something* more... introductory? Perhaps, but by the time the mix was over, it wasn't a big deal :)

Great transitions & sense of unity, and great use of both guits AND rock organ (yeah!!) to help make that happen. Exciting, inviting, and never overstays its welcome, while also serving up a heapin' helpin' of Celeste rock/metal. Cool.


  • djpretzel changed the title to 2020/12/05 - (3Y) Celeste "Part of Me"
  • 3 weeks later...

I loved this one from the album!

I personally think the intro is fine as an intro, it reminds me very much of some Black Mages stuff.  The OST's use of leitmotifs certainly does lend itself to a medley-ish approach that doesn't hit you over the head with transitions, except for the one at 2:33.  This easily feels like a cohesive whole.  Absolutely stunning solo at 2:07, this is the kind of thing I hope for in any metal track we get.  Mix could maybe be a smidgen cleaner, but I'm nitpicking, and it's fine for the genre anyway.  Fantastic work.


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04271 - *YES* Celeste "Part of Me"
  • MindWanderer locked this topic
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