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OCR04270 - *YES* Secret of Mana "Dry Towns"

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game: Secret of Mana
song: Rose and Ghost 
composer: Hiroki Kikuta
remix title: Dry Towns
Artist Info
remixer name: Dj Orange
forum userid : 3683
real name:  Geoff Harding 
comments: ...
  • 3 months later...

some interesting instrumentation to start this one off, with some equally interesting sound design choices. there's a fun groove though once everything comes in at 0:14. i like the synth bass's attention to articulation and the really nice automation on the guitar. the percussion is fun as well although i'd like to hear more consistent fills around transition points. speaking of that, the overall track just keeps evolving which is really neat. there's some downtempo break sections, there's some fun string pizz stuff and a flexible flute, and some fun harmon-muted trumpet with some backing organ that's real understated and nice. there's another not-transition at 2:54 to a pretty robotic section driven by what's supposed to be like an upright bass but just comes across as feeling too automated (i have the same gripe for the earlier part that featured this, but it wasn't as obvious there due to more going on, but it's sounding really similar outside of the percussion), and then a pretty nice ritard into a very chill ending.

from an arrangement perspective. the opening section is clearly derived from the chords in the intro of the original, and the initial slide guitar around 0:35 is definitely a dressed-up version of the original's melody for the first section. that initial ascending and descending riff shows up in several other instruments throughout as well. overall there's some filler and groove sections but i think that there's enough here to call it enough source. i will say that i didn't like the walking bass sections at all, and thought not only did they sound extremely similar in the bass and strings but also the bass just sounded bad. there's so much rhythmic variation and articulation used throughout the rest of the track that a bunch of eighth notes strung together (in non-idiomatic ways, i feel) with no flips or occasional rhythmic variation sounds weird.

overall though this one hits enough points to pass. i like the percussion throughout, i like the variety in lead instruments, and i like the attention to detail most of the time. this has a great vibe.




  • prophetik music changed the title to 2020/12/27 - (1Y) Secret of Mana "Dry Towns"
  • 1 month later...

Quirky AF and I'm loving it; absolutely dig being surprised like this, a wonderfully creative & still very recognizable take on the source that relishes exploring interesting instrumentation combinations. Muted trumpets flutter by, a wide slide guitar lazily recounts the melody, bass walks around a bit, pads swell in & out like an inflating/collapsing lung, and.... well the whole thing feels like an organism, exhaling & inhaling with its own confident, off-kilter swagger. Almost Cowboy Bebop-esque - not in any similarity to Kanno's score, but to that show's irreverent wild west futurism. We haven't posted anything from Geoff since 2005, and now I'm scratching my head on that.... either way, I enjoyed this rather a lot, and believe it succeeds in a worthwhile & utterly unique concept.


  • djpretzel changed the title to 2020/12/27 - (2Y) Secret of Mana "Dry Towns"

This remix rides on the strength of the underlying groove and the sheer variety of instruments as you saunter through this arrangement. There's a distinct early PS1-esque character to the sample and production quality here, but not to your detriment - rather, it evokes a nostalgic, quirky quality that is mirrored in the arrangement. Throughout the track, you employ plenty of sequencing techniques, such as pitch bending and vibrato, to breathe life into each of your samples and make the most of what you have. 

I'm really surprised by how much I got lost in this on repeat listens - without needing a lot of high quality samples or effects, you crafted a wholly immersive experience full of life and character. 16 years since your last submission and you haven't missed a beat ;)


  • Emunator changed the title to 2020/12/27 - (3Y) Secret of Mana "Dry Towns"

A very chill arrangement.  I also ended up listening to it over and over because I'd just get lost in it.  Just long enough to not retread ground, but it's so smooth that it wouldn't wear out its welcome anyway.  There is a faux-harmonica that's a little painful--it actually reminded me more of SNES samples than PSX--but since so much of the instrumentation is clearly synthetic anyway, it isn't grating.

I think it works.  Maybe not to everyone's tastes on all cylinders, but I don't have any doubt that it deserves a post.


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04270 - *YES* Secret of Mana "Dry Towns"
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