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*NO* Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island "Chill Times in the Garden"

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Posted (edited)

Contact Information

  • Your Remixer Name: PolygonJohn
  • Your real name: John Johnson
  • Your email address: 

Submission Information

  • Name of game(s) arranged: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
  • Name of arrangement: Chill Times in the Garden
  • Name of individual song(s) arranged: Flower Garden Theme
  • The main inspiration behind this one is honestly just a drive to work with the Yoshi's Island sound track. It's one of my favorite game OSTs. In addition, I wanted something to challenge myself a little bit in terms of putting live recordings into a project, as I've always relied a lot on samples and MIDI maps.

Thanks for considering me!
Edited by Liontamer
closed decision
  • 3 months later...

classic tune here. also, you went with polygonjohn instead of polyjohn? missed opportunity :<

filtered drums and some sfx start this track off, along a very bass-heavy bass and some quiet bells. the melody comes in at 0:35 with some nicely-sequenced gliding synth. this does a nice job sitting back on the beat which fits the background well. there's a silence break at 1:22, and a fade-out for the last 25 seconds of the song featuring a bit of noodling on the A section of the melody. aaaaaaaand...that's it. the melodic content takes up less than a minute by itself. so this isn't going to pass since there's nowhere near enough development here to call it. things that i liked included the general vibe of the drumloop (more creativity and fill use there would help a lot as the track's duration progresses past where it is now), the automation on the melody (i'm a sucker for glides), and the approach overall of a more relaxed version of the original track.

i did not care for how bass-heavy this is. there's a lot of overlap between the bass synth and the chorded bell tones - those need to be squared off with an EQ so there's not so much mud in the low end. adding a bit more highs overall to both instruments would actually help i think - it's very low/low-mid focused, and while that can help it feel relaxed it also makes it harder to tell what's what. i also don't understand not including the B section of the melody on a track that is so short. even just a single run-through of that bit would have helped lengthen the track by 20 or 30 seconds, which is approaching what i'd consider the minimum.

on the topic of arrangement, this definitely feels like a demo. mixing it up in instrumentation, chords, or style with a second run-through of the (entire) melody would add a lot to the track and help wrap it up into less of a demo and more of a finished duration.

overall this is too short to really consider. there's some really nice ideas but it needs more content.




  • prophetik music changed the title to 2021/01/14 - (1N) Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island "Chill Times in the Garden"
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Really cute selection of sounds going on here, I particularly like the contrast between the playful electronic lead and the more organic backing instrumentation. Slowing down the source into this lazy, hazy groove definitely personalizes it to great effect so that you're not just retreading the same ground as the original song. The pause sfx cutaway was a clever stylistic choice that anyone who's played Yoshi's Island should appreciate (on a totally personal level, as someone who's extensively played Yoshi's Island myself, the repeated use of the crying sfx throughout the whole song actually took me out of the chillout feel of the rest of the song because of the ingame context. I would have liked to hear that used at max once or twice, but that's totally a matter of personal taste.)

The main downfall here is that the arrangement sounds incomplete, or intended to function as a loop, which unfortunately doesn't vibe with our submission standards. If you could flesh this out with at least another minute of content and development, I think it would have a much stronger case, but right now this sounds like a strong first demo that needs some more time in the oven. Would love to hear an expanded version of this if you're up for it!


Edited by Emunator
  • Emunator changed the title to 2021/01/14 - (2N) Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island "Chill Times in the Garden"

Yeah the lead, when it comes in (interesting sound, I must say), ends up repeating itself almost verbatim, and then we start fading out before the two minute marker. A second lead could help extend things, or a solo, with maybe a hi-hat groove or something, to differentiate... and then I would actually consider a duet of sorts and having the original intervals somewhere in there, alongside your modified version. As-is, this is more of a "good start" than a finished arrangement - some good things happening, but not enough variety/substance yet, as both @Emunator & @prophetik music have pointed out.


  • Liontamer changed the title to *NO* Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island "Chill Times in the Garden"
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