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Remixer name : jmabate
Real name : abate jean marc
Email : 
website : https://www.youtube.com/user/jmabate
userid : 35644

Name of game(s) arranged : Golden Axe
Name of arrangement : A Golden Axe Journey
Name of individual song(s) arranged : 
Wilderness ;  Battle Field ; Old Map ; Turtle Village 1 ; Path of Fiend ; Death Adder.

Composers : Tohru Nakabayashi & Y. "Dolphin" Takada
System : Sega genesis / megadrive
Original : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA37D25F1B9888952 

Track infos :

This track was arranged and performed by pleasure ! I wanted to make a medley as a unic track to tell the Story of Ax, Tyris & Gilius to their vengeance.

Guests :

cello : Chromatic Apparatus
violin : ViolinGamer
trombone : Dewey Newt
trumpet : TSori
flute : TerminatedWeasel
Oboe & Clarinet : GameroftheWinds
Bass  : SoulinSadness
Tenor : MooglePower
Alto & Soprano : Psamathes
taikos & tambourin : Chernabogue
vocals :  Matt

Hope you will enjoy this cover.

Best regards




Wow... what a crazy concept!  An epic orchestral ska death metal medley of Golden Axe, of all things... certainly never saw that coming!

Despite the multiple sources and the genre changes, the whole thing hangs together as a cohesive whole, for the most part.  The bookending helps, though the transition back to the beginning at 6:10 could be smoother.  3:37 is also pretty abrupt, and 3:37-4:03 really doesn't hang well with anything around it, but that's more for production reasons than arrangement ones...

So, production.  I don't have as positive things to say about that, unfortunately.  The drums and rhythm guitar are extremely loud, to the point of muddying even the melody.  In the orchestral sections, the flutes and trumpets join the fight and make the melody even harder to hear---it's nearly inaudible at times.  Go to 4:58 for a stark example: those guitar chugs absolutely run roughshod over everything else, except the trumpets riding on top like surfers on a tidal wave.

In the choir bridge, the lead guitar drops dramatically in volume, and even though the drums and rhythm guitar are used only for punctuation, they're comically loud in comparison.  The choir's performance isn't stellar either.  It's hard to hear because of how quiet it is, but it's badly off-key in places.

So, mad props for the arrangement.  It's clearly a monumental effort, and it paid off nicely.  But this does need another pass at production so all your session artists' work can really shine.

NO (please resubmit!)

  • MindWanderer changed the title to 2021/01/30 - (1N) Golden Axe "A Golden Axe Journey"

that's a pile of good originals there.

intro is far too quiet. needs to be much louder - it'll still sound quiet next to everything else. the initial presentation is super fun though! i love the idea. one of the issues with this type of arrangement in general is that there's a lot of doubling to get everyone playing as often as possible, and it makes the track muddy. there's a huge over-emphasis in the low mids throughout from a mastering perspective which is why it sounds so dense. cutting out the snare fundamental would help a lot there (use a snappier snare rather than one with so much head tone), same with some of the head tone off the kick while leaving the click. 

the vocal part was really surprising! i agree it's way too quiet compared to everything else. the waveform says it all:


that should be, like, a quarter of the difference there to sound right.

the volumization issues become worse as the track goes on. the growls are difficult to understand next to everything else (boosting the formant of all of the vocals will help a lot too! boost around 2-3k depending on sex of singer).

the big blow at 5:35 is fun, and the loud sustains of the instruments cover up the lead guitar pretty bad here. they've gotta be loud to compete with the drums, though, and i do believe the drums are louder here than at the beginning. bringing them down a bit makes the rest of it balance out, i'd suspect. this whole section is a sausage and needs to have some serious work done to make it feel better.

overall this is a fun track! it's so all over the place in terms of volumization though, and needs some EQ love especially on the drums and vocals. i'd love to hear it again.





  • Liontamer changed the title to 2021/01/30 - (2N) Golden Axe "A Golden Axe Journey"
  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I've got to applaud your creative ambition here. It's quite a vision to remix so many sources, in such different styles, in the same track. You've almost pulled it off as well, it's just the production significantly holding it back.

I don't think there's any point during the whole 6+ minutes where the melody is the most prominent thing in the mix, and that's a problem. The kick sounds really boomy - proph's comments about reducing the fundamental frequency is good advice there. The snare is also wiping out a lot of the low-mids, and the rhythm guitar finishes them off. The choir is so buried in the mix, and especially juxtaposed against those stabs (see proph's screenshot).

I don't think I need to go on about it - proph and MW have made some good suggestions. Just make sure each part is clear, well-balanced in the mix, and if anything needs to be cut as a result, don't be afraid to do that either. It's an ambitious project, and might need some things paring back if necessary. Good luck!

NO (resubmit)

  • DarkSim changed the title to 2021/01/30 - (3N) Golden Axe "A Golden Axe Journey"
  • Liontamer changed the title to *NO* Golden Axe "A Golden Axe Journey" *FALLTHROUGH*
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