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Hello, I'm trying to find someone to commission for a kind of large project.

I would like to have someone remix most of the OST of Super Metroid into a Mega Man X sound, sans a couple of songs that would be the opposite.

This includes making the tunes with the same limitations like the number of voices they would have, able to be looped and using Super Metroid's soundfonts or at least the voices could be easily swapped and still sound good.  Oh, and also the sheet music.

This probably would not be the easiest task to do, as SM is more atmospheric and MMX is very melodic, but I'm hoping someone is talented enough to do it.

I wouldn't want these done all at the same time though, one at a time would be good.

I had a quote from a friend that would do them at $170 a pop, which is, imo, kinda heavy handed for 1:30 - 2 min looping tracks..

Lmk if anyone is interested. o.o

  • 2 months later...

So, if I have this right...you want somebody to recreate an entire soundtrack for you in the style of those (usually crap) soundfont videos made by YouTube randos, you want every song nicely loop-able/swappable, and you want sheet music for each song. You also want somebody to parse the differences between two fundamentally different soundtracks and figure out some happy middle ground that you specifically are happy with. You also want all this done for peanuts, and you're posting about it in the wrong section of the forums.

Without even knowing most of the work that would go into all that, I know it would probably take at least a day per song, *if* somebody with the right skills was passionate about making those songs exist. Let's be real here; you're not getting somebody like Virt to make your stuff, so your not going to get the full choirs of heaven dropped in your lap in the span of a couple hours (and if he did take your commission...hoo boy. I'd hate to see the bill for that, no matter how fast he did it).

$170 a song seems to me like it'd be floating right around the average minimum wage in the US for the time it might take to give you what you want. Sounds like your friend was being very reasonable.


I'm not sure what prompted the "YouTube randos" comment.  While that was an unnecessary comment, I feel that there are some good ones like MyNewSoundtrack and Loeder are really good at what they do.

By "easily swapped" I meant if the soundfonts from SM and MMX were swapped, the tune would sound ok in either.  No need for it to sound perfect if swapped, of course.  It's just for comparison.

The sheet music would be so I could use it to input it in a special module tracker specifically for SNES tracks.  However, it's possible that the sheet music would not be necessary if there is a different way to accurately and [hopefully] easily determine the notes.

My ultimate goal was to have it sound as if they could be played in SM, and, in the end, could.

There are countless examples of genre swapping remixes on OCRemix.  That's why I thought I'd ask here.

Also, I didn't expect this to be done quickly or anything of the sort.  On the contrary, I'd rather it be done little by little.  A hopefully fun side project to fiddle with, one tune at a time.

I don't expect a big name to do this either.

And I was posting in the wrong section of the forums?  Remix requests don't go in the remix requests section??

20 hours ago, purplecowadoom said:

So, if I have this right...you want somebody to recreate an entire soundtrack for you in the style of those (usually crap) soundfont videos made by YouTube randos, you want every song nicely loop-able/swappable, and you want sheet music for each song. You also want somebody to parse the differences between two fundamentally different soundtracks and figure out some happy middle ground that you specifically are happy with. You also want all this done for peanuts, and you're posting about it in the wrong section of the forums.

Without even knowing most of the work that would go into all that, I know it would probably take at least a day per song, *if* somebody with the right skills was passionate about making those songs exist. Let's be real here; you're not getting somebody like Virt to make your stuff, so your not going to get the full choirs of heaven dropped in your lap in the span of a couple hours (and if he did take your commission...hoo boy. I'd hate to see the bill for that, no matter how fast he did it).

$170 a song seems to me like it'd be floating right around the average minimum wage in the US for the time it might take to give you what you want. Sounds like your friend was being very reasonable.

Hey, this response is unnecessarily antagonistic. I also agree that this is a big ask and $170 a pop is actually a bargain, but you can express that without all of the bold text indignation. I mean it's not like he's not asking you personally to do it. Also weird to get all mad about a post from July.

It's also not your concern if something is posted in the wrong forum or not. Recruit & Collaborate is probably a better fit, and I'll move this there, but it's a pretty honest mistake.


@Zye84 I'm glad you understand that this is commission work that'll cost money, but you've gotta understand that this is a big ask. If you really want to see this done, you're gonna have to be realistic about costs.


Ah, I am not a composer so I didn't think it would be put in that category, I'm just a lowly media consumer that has a dream I would like to come into fruition! Haha.

I didn't think it would be that or more expensive to make a remix that would just be a main melodies and short looping works instead of a long 3-5 min elaborate tune. Tbh, a simple tracker with the same/similar instruments used in game would be fine. Heck, you could use a little free or cheap music composing program. I have Maestro on my phone I'm trying to fiddle with and learn stuff.

I know that's different from my original ask, I'm thinking of how I can make it easier for everyone.  I tend to think of the end results of in bits, haha.

I'd most likely have to tweak them to match the SNES capabilities as it's rather specific on how songs work on it. (Certain voices have to be played first/have priority, etc etc)

I suppose I am not aware of how things would cost in general for this kinda thing.

Question, other than the sheet music, what would be better to use to get the note information?  I'm thinking, if a tracker was used, I may be able to just use that.  


The best you can do on that front is to find the songs you're thinking about on already made MIDI files that you can find on the internet (try vgmusic.com, for a nice collection of MIDI arrangements), but you'd be putting the accuracy of the music in the hands of folk who may or may not have cared about that, or who did their best but made mistakes.

Posted (edited)
On 9/27/2022 at 10:13 AM, purplecowadoom said:

$170 a song seems to me like it'd be floating right around the average minimum wage in the US for the time it might take to give you what you want. Sounds like your friend was being very reasonable.

Yeah, reasonable, but probably not in any Joe Schmo's budget if they want 20+ songs haha.


Hunt for composers at Newgrounds, or Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube etc...who put up "Open for Commissions" and they will usually state their rates per minute (or per track), as well as showcase samples of their work. You might be able to net yourself something in your budget range. It's gonna require some homework on your end, but it'd save you a lot of moola in the long run.

Best of luck to you!!

Edited by HoboKa

I do have someone that's interested from here!  =]  Still a bit pricey for this "Joe Schmo" (haha) but there's no time limit on anything so that helps my wallet and his free time.

I was thinking about JX or MyNewSoundtrack but I dunno how I would contact them.  I do see JX is on the Metroid Construction discord channel, though..  variety may be a good thing and working with people's strengths.

Hopefully everything will go smoothly!  =o

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