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Contact Information

  • Your ReMixer name: Ben Caunter (feat. Caunter Strike)
  • Your real name: Ben Caunter
  • Your email address
  • Your website(s): https://soundcloud.com/bencaunter
  • Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 38585

Submission Information

  • Name of game(s) arranged: Gravity Duck
  • Name of arrangement: To Crouch With Urgency
  • Name of individual song(s) arranged: Gravity Duck OST - Main Theme (In Game)
  • Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site): Developed by Woblyware. Console: PC/Nintendo Switch
  • Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4ASpfeKdfE&pp=ygUQZ3Jhdml0eSBkdWNrIG9zdA%3D%3D
  • Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: This is what it sounds like when you crouch with urgency.


Edited by prophetik music
  • Liontamer changed the title to 2023/04/22 - Gravity Duck "To Crouch with Urgency"
  • 3 weeks later...

This title makes me think of @XPRTNovice; he's a goof, and this title is his energy. :-)

Interesting slow down of this theme to start. Hopefully the instrumentation's sophisticated enough. Some beats with phasing effects brought in :32, noticing a gradual build. Lead at 1:04's buried, but it's a stylistic thing; I still feel it should be more in the foreground, but we'll see if anything else is going on, since the beats drop out at 1:52, leaving more room for everything else. 2 minutes in, it's a relatively minimal approach with simple textures. 2:41 had the phasing beats return; it's a good sound, but it's a retread, so I'm hoping the new writing ideas didn't stop at 2:41. 3:13 cut-and-pasted 1:04's section, shoot; wow, recyclables all the way until 4:18, more than a third of the track. Then 4:18 took the lead writing from 1:36 and replayed that mostly on its own instead of within the fuller texture.

This is a nice, transformative take, just underdeveloped to the length of it given the massive copy-pasta from 2:41-4:18. Just varying up part-writing or instrumentation in spots along the way there could be enough to keep the repeated sections interesting and engaging throughout, without making any large writing or mood changes that would disturb the flow and energy of the track. Would love to hear a revision to this one to add in some variations in the writing or instrumentation within the repeated sections. Great mood here, Ben!

NO (resubmit)

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2023/04/22 - (1N) Gravity Duck "To Crouch with Urgency"
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in agreement with Larry about the extent of copy-pasta: it's just shy of 1/3 of the total runtime, which is definitely too much (my own rule of thumb is that 25% is about the limit).

I also wasn't the biggest fan of the heavy phasing sidechain. It's so impactful that it's dominating the overall tone of the piece, over the musical aspects of it. It's a cool sound, but it should have a supporting role, not a leading one. There's a fair amount of ducking used for effect even during the piano solo sections, which to me felt distracting.

The repetition is the main issue, though.


  • MindWanderer changed the title to 2023/04/22 - (2N) Gravity Duck "To Crouch with Urgency"
  • 2 weeks later...

intro is simple almost to a fault. there's some bass that comes in at 0:16, but i wouldn't call the initial instrument pleasant to listen to, so focusing on it isn't a great feel. some heavily crushed and slowed-down drums come in at 0:32, featuring significant sidechaining. that sidechaining continues to really crush anything that isn't drums, and you really can't hear anything beyond it.

by about 1:30, i realized i can't really hear the piano enough to call it a melodic line due to the sidechain, and also that the drums essentially hadn't changed since they came in. there's a shift finally at 1:53, but the instrumentation appears to be the same, and the shift is more in the form of subtractive arrangement. the break stays until about 2:25 when stuff starts to come in again, and then we get copypasta for the rest of the arrangement.

i would argue that the original 'loop' isn't interesting enough or developed enough to be good enough on its own. if this ended with an outro at 2:41, i'd be hard-pressed to pass it on its own. the sidechaining is oppressive, the drums are repetitive, the arp-based lead is not pleasant to listen to, and the track doesn't have any dynamic shape. and the it repeats for a minute and a half before an outro. this needs more throughout, separate from fixing the copypasta, for me to pass it.




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