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WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [September Round]

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Aww, man. I just wrote a poem to submit for this competition, and then I read that this month is only for short-stories. That blows.

Maybe I'll write a short-story tomorrow. Maybe.

Aww, man. I just wrote a poem to submit for this competition, and then I read that this month is only for short-stories. That blows.

Maybe I'll write a short-story tomorrow. Maybe.

Bummer. Well, if you have no other use for that poem, this thread could probably use some content.

We'd love to have you enter a short story here, too!


So where's my peeps that wanted a competition once a month?

Seriously, not even PMs could get you guys out of your holes.

This shameless bump brought to you by: Another frustrated Competitions forum user


Hey, I'm still here! ... I'm just bogged down in schoolwork and test-studying. :banghead:

I'll be sitting down to write something sometime this weekend, most likely Thursday night going into Friday night. After that... MORE STUDYING!!!


I tried my hand for the first time at making an advertisement sig:


It isn't very good. You're welcome to comment if you'd like, but only after you enter a short story.


I think there's something about Spring, though- Teachers rush to get certain assignments in before the end and decide that its time to assign end of the year projects. Pretty soon we're all swamped.


We'll see, we'll see. As it stands, I'm not sure whether I can pull off writing something this weekend, but I'm sure as hell going to try! I've got two tests and a quiz next week (the quiz and second test I absolutely MUST ace if I'm to have any hope of passing the class), so I can't exactly spend too much time writing, but what I've got in mind shouldn't take too long to write anyway.

Long story short: Vote = Undecided (for now)


I'm pretty much in the same boat as GA Jedi Knight, but I'm working on the story right now and it's about half-way done, so I'll most likely be able to finish it in time.



I may have to extend the contest so I can finish my story :?. Though I have this whole weekend with pretty much nothing to do, so hopefully I can pull it out.

How is everyone else coming? I haven't received any submissions so far. Also, remember that I'm clearing out the three submission posts at the beginning of this thread, so if you haven't already, save your work!


Barnsalot, I won't go into the specifics of it yet, as the judging phase hasn't begun, but I will say one thing of your submission right now: :nicework:

On the topic of submissions, I've officially begun mine. 225 words in as of right now, and so far so good. I'll probably get it done within the next couple of days, since I'll only be working on it at night (daytime is reserved for test-studying :-( ). Good luck writing to the rest of you!


If I don't get at least two more submissions besides my own by Wednesday, I am adding a week. Unfortunately, it seems there isn't much interest this time around, so that probably won't help much.

Also, bump.


Sounds good to me. I was going to finish mine tonight, but this week is test week, and in the fight between me and studying, studying has thus far decked me every time.

Nothing special next week, though, so I'll have all weekend to finish mine up. :-)



Two Shots. That’s what it boils down to. When you’re staring down the barrel of a gun and the other chump is doing the same, all the calculations in the world are simultaneously the most important and last important congratulations in your life. Who has the guts to decide to pull the trigger and risk it all?

This mark was named Shock Jameson. Bully, thug, hitman, Boss. Bad-tempered, bad-mannered, bad person. The most powerful mob leader in South City. But I know that you don’t overstep your bounds without expecting and being prepared for retaliatory reciprocation. Trading drugs overseas? Harassing political figures? Sorry Shock, but that shit just doesn’t fly. You make enemies like the syndicate that hired me, and I always get my job done – thanks to the incident.

So here I was, standing in front of the Shock. He grinned, mocking me. It didn’t matter. His defenses were in shambles, his body guards? They were around. Some in several places. He and I were staring each other down in the middle of some god forsaken warehouse in a bad part of town.

Shock fired.

All the calculations in the world simultaneously the most important and least important considerations in your life. Shock took his chances. He was dead his future gone, his decision was fatal.

Two shots, but if you walk in the sight of a gun, you’d better make sure that I’m not the shooter.

I don’t miss.

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