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RESUB 5 RESUB 4 RESUB 3 RESUB 2 RESUB 1 Original Decision

Artist Name: Audiomancer

I know I'm kind of beating a dead horse with this one, but I'm wanting to try to get something posted in a style that I actually like. I would love to do something with my live flute playing, but quiet time to record is nearly impossible. Ibe tried sampling myself though, I have some decent samples now (I understand now why sample libs can be expensive), but have yet to put together something complete with it. I have one remix halfway done with it, perhaps I'll try to finish that one next. I know I'm rambling, I'm done now:)

Games & Sources

Dragon Warrior 4, chapter 4 music. Walkabout theme mostly, with a little bit of the battle theme.

There's a thread in the post your game remixes forum about this version, I tried to incorporate much of the advice there, as well as slight changes to the beat writing and drum sounds from one of the judges in the last decision. Also pulled back the number of synth leads in the main theme from the last submission. I absolutely loved this music when playing the game when I was young.... probably can tell from the number of attempts;)

I'm always split between adding humanization to electronic instruments or not.....I've been told both ways, so I don't know. This is on the grid, if I do something with more live sounding stuff, I'll humanize that.

As always, thanks ahead of time! Theme links below.

:#424242; font-size:12px; text-align:left">
:#424242; font-size:12px; text-align:left">
Edited by Emunator
  • Liontamer changed the title to 2024/07/10 - Dragon Warrior 4 "Twisted Systerz"
  • Liontamer pinned this topic

Larry:  What you show here as RESUB2 and RESUB3 are the same link, one of those needs to be deleted.

I have evaluated this track two of the five previous times it has been submitted, and listening to the current version, I am going to quote what I wrote one year ago, because it still applies now:


This version is sounding better than previous versions but still has the same mixing problem, it's all highs and sizzle.  The lows sound like they have been severely tamed, and the highs are hyped (and already sound too loud due to the lows being cut so much).  If your sounds are decent, you shouldn't have to do so much "EQ correction" as I think you are doing and have done on every resubmission.  I would pass this version, the sounds are good enough, but the mixing is unbalanced to the point of still being a problem.  

On each individual track, you only want to EQ such that no low-lows are coming through on anything other than your kick and bass.  On an average midrangey instrument, that cut could fall somewhere between 80-100-ish Hz.  Do not EQ in a way that cuts or diminishes the fundamental of the sound, that is what is leaving each instrument sounding weaker than it should, the cuts are too extreme. 

If you are saturating, distorting or otherwise hyping the highs, either individually or on the master, this is done way too heavy-handedly, causing the entire track to sound overly sizzly.  On your master, you should not be doing any major shelves or cuts, unless it's just a very gentle-Q low-cut to make sure nothing is coming through below 20-25Hz or so.  Whatever you've done here is too extreme.  Do you have someone else to listen to this and perhaps help you dial in your EQs?  Also, the master is overdriven, there is no need for this track to be hitting -6.6db RMS.  The loudness wars are over, and -12 to -11db RMS is better and more reasonable. 

Getting closer, but not sounding good enough production-wise, yet.



yeah, i hear the high focus right away. there's no beef - the kick, bass synth, etc. all have very little low presence. it sounds like you've EQed the booty off of everything that's supposed to be low and then boosted the highs further. this would have been fine on the site in 2002, but expectations have risen a lot since then.

this is honestly pretty close. the arrangement is solid and i like what the instruments are doing. the bass peak is nearly 70hz, though - there's just no bottom end. there's a huge peak at 145hz too which is roughly that bass instrument you're using - which tells me that a lot of the potential is being used up getting a very vanilla bass synth to cut through a lot of stuff. a bass synth with more edge to the attack may cut better, allowing you to drop off the overall volume. taking that entire bassline down an octave would help a lot too. combined with getting more sub presence from your kick, that'd fix the bass issue, and i think this'd be good. for your kick, i think the clicky attack works great, you just need more bottom end - ensure you're not trimming out via EQ the low end of the kick, like 30-40hz. that'll give it more presence. you could also layer in another kick that's all sub-bass tone and EQ out the really low stuff there.

chimp's right about the RMS as well. turning everything down a bit so it's not so blown (or even just reducing the gain on whatever limiter you're using) would help consolidate the volume a bit.




  • 1 month later...

The track is 404'd now but I happened to have it downloaded from a previous judging session - in the future, if you're using the upload function, please make sure that you don't do anything to move it until it's done!

I do feel like there's some meaningful progress made on this iteration, but unfortunately the balance is still terribly skewed toward the high frequencies in a way that's very unpleasant. Are you using any sort of monitoring software like SPAN to look at the frequency distribution in your mix and check your overall loudness levels? Even if you don't have the most ideal listening setup or can't afford a perfectly treated room or expensive pair of headphones, you can compensate for this by using reference tracks from professional sources that you trust are well-produced and you like the way they sound. I start nearly every project like this, and keep a downloaded copy of reference track(s) in my project file at all times so I can see if I'm on target in terms of frequency balance and loudness.

The mixing and mastering is unfortunately still a dealbreaker and is going to require some further learning on your part to get the actual mix sounding right. Here's one possible resource that might help:


I admire your persistence! There's still some learning and adjustment that needs to happen before this is sounding ready for primetime.


  • Liontamer changed the title to *NO* Dragon Warrior 4 "Twisted Systerz" *RESUB*
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