djpretzel Posted June 21, 2002 Posted June 21, 2002 Filesize: 3.18 Mb Name: CamTarn Website: Email: By the way, your site rocks Thanks, Andy
Saunders Posted June 23, 2002 Posted June 23, 2002 Big Blue? Wow, you better make it good, I love this tune. So far so good, although it sounds a bit muffled, and the guitar thrashing is a bit much at times. Aside from part of it sounding like I'm hearing it through my neighbours' wall I think it's pretty cool and I would listen to it again. Vote: Yes.
orkybash Posted June 24, 2002 Posted June 24, 2002 The mixing here needs a lot of work. I think the problem is there simply isn't enough treble to carry the melody, though I could be wrong. Other than that I love the remix, but that one problem is very distracting. I'm gonna give it a NO for now. If the remiser re-submitted a remastered version, this would be getting a definite yes, though.
Antonio Pizza Posted June 24, 2002 Posted June 24, 2002 The main guitar is a bit muffled, but that's not nearly enough to hold this back. It's well executed, it's well layered, and it's definitely OC material. Post it. Yes.
m68030 Posted June 25, 2002 Posted June 25, 2002 NO Don't get me wrong. This is an excellent arrangement, but the mixing is just icky. Way too seperated. Makes me feel like my head is being pulled open. The guitar line is great... and it would be alot greater if we could actually hear it. I'll say yes in a heartbeat as soon as this thing gets remastered.
Malcos Posted June 26, 2002 Posted June 26, 2002 Flat, is what I would call this. This is good, but needs to be mixed differently, or re-mastered. The song as a whole just doesn't 'come out' enough, and sounds dull. The entire piece could sound a whole lot brighter. Very sorry, but NO.
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