djpretzel Posted June 21, 2002 Posted June 21, 2002 Hi, I'd like to submit my remix of Castlevania's "Vampire Killer", entitled Big Bat Mix (after the first boss in CV1). I tried thinking of a decent title, but I couldn't really think of one OC Remix forever, DJ D-Rek Thread title changed by Orkybash to reflect the "game 'title'" format.
Antonio Pizza Posted June 22, 2002 Posted June 22, 2002 I SWEAR IF I HEAR ONE MORE DAMN SONG USING THAT SAME REHASHED FUCKIN' TECHNO BEAT, I'M GONNA... sorry. Well, I'm having problems deciding. I must have listened to this 6 or 7 times by now, but my concentration keeps veering away. Starts out okay. His segue around 0:25 is off balanced a little. It's not evenly aligned, but it winds up alright. The segue from 0:45 - 1:01 is very sloppy. It doesn't really even itself out until 1:01. It sounds like it was a quick cut and paste move. The segue at 1:47 ... I'm gonna have to say no to this one. I've now listened to it for the 10th or so time, and I'm still able to but a definitive "yes" on it. If I have to listen to it that many times, I should probably go with instinct. This song just didn't grab me. It's too forgettable.
Saunders Posted June 23, 2002 Posted June 23, 2002 Okay that high pitched tone is a little hard on the ears. And at about 0:30 the whole thing is virtually cacophonic! (I knows the big werdz) The clap sample is annoying, but the melody that comes in at 1:10 is cool, I like it. The bouncy, for lack of a better word, sample being used at 1:50 annoys me though, the fake electric guitar is okay. Overall I think this mix needs a lot of work, it could use some better samples, the two loud parts need to be totally reworked or removed, I think it has some potential but it still needs some work. Vote: No.
orkybash Posted June 24, 2002 Posted June 24, 2002 I really wanted to like this one. It started out great, then... what happened? The transition into the bat battle song was annoying as hell, and the bat song section wasn't all that great either. My problem here is that it gets very confused. There's almost too much going on in different sections, but none of it compliments eachother. Like, around the 1:00 mark, I started wondering if thepervious Vampire Killer section was an entirely different song, and that's not good. So bring it into focus a little, work on the transitions, and cut out some of the useless repetition. But for now, I honestly can't vote Yes on this one. Vote: NO
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