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DJ Pretzel,

DJ Night Force 9: According to my Javamusic hits counter, you have listended both of my submitted remixes.


As I recently realized, Mario's Aqua music box had a couple of mistakes:

1. The melody lead was a KILLER (ie too loud) on the ears and so its volume was significantly lowered.

2. Some of the notes from the bass did not match the rest of the music so that's been fixed.

Please listen/download (to) this song again.

In case you lost the site, it is:

Thank you!

DJ Night Force 9

Note that you have to register with javamusic.com . . .


Right off I can't say that I'm fond of this, in all honesty it sounds like something being played on one of those children's keyboard.

And uh.. well it doesn't get better.. :(

I was actually expecting it to start like that and then go into something uh.. good.


Vote: No.


Well rob1's right in that it sounds like the main melody was played on a child's piano, but I don't see that as a negative considering the song that's being remade. It adds to the tranquility of the mix.

I like that the beat isn't something rehashed or a derivative of the beat that oh-so-many kids, including myself, used to pound on the tables in middle school (think of the Special Stage from Sonic 2. Yes, THAT beat.)

My main complaint is the stereo switching of the support layer. It put too much emphasis on each individual ear drum. The notes shouldn't have been set 100% on each channel. But since most folks aren't going to listen to this on headphones, it's not a huge problem. I liked this mix and I'm gonna listen to it again. Overall, I think it's pretty solid.Yes.



Cute. Sounds like an 80s synth demo mode song. I got a kick out of that.

now there is some major ickiness at -1:32 involving a key change, but

i'll overlook it this time, however it is a MAJOR issue for me. If this little

hiccup were fixed I'll vote yes. I just hate seeing such a great little mix

go live with an ugly oops like that.


I can't say much for the concept,except that it's, well, cute. That might cut it for me if the execution was spot on, but it isn't. Everything sounds a bit too synthy here, especially the "oom-pah-pah". Synth sounds and this genre don't mix well in my book. And it's just too repetative (again I'm thinking especially of the "oom-pah-pah", which started to grate aroun the third repetition.) I would encourage DJ Night Force 9 to give this a few more revisions and see what he can come up with. For now...


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