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*NO* Tetris (GB) 'Don't Bug Me, I'm Tetrissing'

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I'm so happy that I got a song on your site^_^ Now I wanna submit another,

although you probably won't post it for a while since I just submitted one

somewhat recently. This one is my tetris remix. I just made it a few days

ago (May 9th, I think) so its actually a recent song for once! The mix is

called Dont Bug Me I'm Tetrising because that's what my older brother would

always tell me when I'd try and talk to him while he was playing tetris:)

Anyway...... here's the link:

Artist: Main Finger

Email: sakurabeta@hotmail.com

website: http://www.undergroundtranceproject.com

Hope you enjoy^_^ Personally I find this song quite addicting...

-Jesse a.k.a. "Main Finger" (sakurabeta@hotmail.com)


While this mix isn't anything amazingly original all the time I still thought it had it's okay parts. The only problem I'm having is deciding if it was changed enough.. some parts sound a lot like the original song.

But that part near the middle (it starts at 1:03) is really cool.

Vote: Yes.


Some parts were a drum loop dropped over the original. For future reference, don't do that. At least change the synth around some. But in this case there were enough original parts to make it work.

Other complaints include the fact that it could really use more layers, and the transitions are iffy at very best.

This squeaks by, but barely, IMHO.



This is for the most part just a drum loop over the original game boy tune. When the organ sounding thing comes in (could be an accordion) it could definitely do with more attack - it comes in way too slowly.

I'm not impressed by this one, sorry. It could have done with a bit more, maybe another melody, another bassline or whatever, but this doesn't feel like a remix to me.





ok, first of all. Once it gets into the song, the beat is WAY too cliche, and the sound is from the actual game boy, so it seems that both have been done before. Now for the organ part. Not sure where it came from. Though I like the dynamics with the crescendos and decrescendos, I'm not sure about the transition to and from it. They're in different keys. Usually you're supposed to modulate to and from, or at least put some sort of space in between that satisfies the listeners' ears and leaves them feeling peachy about the change in key. All in all, a very basic and beginning type of mix, though maybe some will love it. But I say NO for the previous reasons.


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