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OCR00689 - *YES* Final Fantasy 4 'SNES Battle Medley'

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um, yeah

so the last thing i sent you was a crashman remix

you never posted

but i figure it had alot to do with the swearing at the beginning whatever just after i emailed u i checked out for other ones of the same theme you already had like 4 or 5 crashman remixes so sorry

but this track is different

itz a track that was submitted to Project Majestic Mix in the fall of '99

coz if u remember it was supposed to be released the following christmas


it was rejected due to the fact that royalties for five songs in a four

minute period was economically not sound

well here we are three years later and mr. Kennedy quit hosting it for

whatever reason so I asked if it was cool if I asked you to host it

aneurysm arranged it firteen.com/aneurysm

Warmth performed it firteen.com/warmth

Final Fantasy SNES battle medley




You mean big like that?

I don't think anyone's gonna argue that this belongs on the site. Well, Daniel might. Aside from it being a decent live arrangement, it's been floating around on the web for almost the better part of year. For it not to be submitted would only cause rioting the magnitude of LA c. 1992.

As for this Crashman mix with swearing in it that wasn't submitted, someone might want to point him here: http://remix.overclocked.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR00570


Glitch at the beginning. Was that my download? Or is that in the song?

Whoa! I recognize this.. I seen it on the Project Majestic Mix demo tracks like years (re: a year) ago! It was only a clip then unfortunately (Note: I still have it) and I guess it didn't go onto the CD.

Now this is just cool, I like it, some of the playing is a bit off at times I think, I wasn't fond of the victory theme area, but I think that it should still go up.

Vote: Yes.



Great arrangement. The guitar playing is a bit 'off' at some points, but

in a live set, that's forgivable. It's just a shame they didn't have

better quality microphones to record this with, it comes out sounding

terribly muffled.


Track list:

FF4 - Battle

FF4 - Boss Battle

FF6 - Battle

FF6 - Atma Weapon

FF - Victory.

I'd use FF1 (since that seems to be the 'default' lately) or FF4 (since there's not many of those on the site. :D )

Although I strongly recommend that we make an FF Medley/General section (so it can include preludes, chocobos, etc.)

Track list:

FF4 - Battle

FF4 - Boss Battle

FF6 - Battle

FF6 - Atma Weapon

FF - Victory.

I'd use FF1 (since that seems to be the 'default' lately) or FF4 (since there's not many of those on the site. :D )

Although I strongly recommend that we make an FF Medley/General section (so it can include preludes, chocobos, etc.)

Thanks - I know it seems like a good idea, but would you just limit it to FF? What about Mega Man? Castlevania? What if someone wants to do a medley of five totally different games? I like the idea of having a medley option for popular series, but it would have to stop there in my mind, as it could get out of hand otherwise . . .


Yeah, I'd limit it to the popular series. Then maybe have a general 'medley' section for non-popular series and medleys that span series.

CV and MM sound good, and i would probably add Mario to the mix as well. Maybe also Donkey Kong and Chronosaga (CT, RD, CC), though those are kinda iffy.

Also, I imagine you'll insist that if FF gets a medley section, so does PS. :D

I can design graphics for the added sections. You've seen the one I cooked up for FF so you know how much I suck ( :wink: ).

EDIT: just thought up some more. Seiken Dentetsu, Metroid, Street Fighter, and Zelda.

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